Beaucoup okapis

I don't know if anyone mentioned this already, but the Marc Jacobs eyeliner is fantastic!! I hoard samples of those little pencils...

If it helps you're not alone! It's hard when someone gets to be happy (at least from our perspective), when luck isn't going so well for ourselves

private practice is so fun! Mostly because Kate Walsh

Love the dream lady! Someone needs to :)

Congratulations!! You're living my dream (2 years to go)

That's so fantastic!!

I was hanging out with a professor I worked for in a dream, except he was dressed like David Bowie. Woke up to realize he does indeed look a lot like the dude, but it's totally weird because I was into it and glam rock is totally not my type...

Yeah I feel like regional does this a lot. I like how I look, but it definitely doesn't fit into the narrow type guys seem to have here

Thanks. I'm just having a bad day, or bad week rather

I’ve tried sometimes, but it’s never really gotten anywhere. Part of it is where I live (everyone here is outdoorsy, thin and white) and not feeling like I fit into what the type is that guys here want. I can’t wait to get out of here but I have 2 years to go in grad school, it’ll be a bit

I’m currently having a bit of an existential crisis about it, but it seems about right: I’ve only had one guy in the last 5 years ask me out in person. REALLY hoping it's not just about me...

I pretty much do that every time I go in, with some that's all they're really good for by giving you a place to just feel how you feel. Luckily some are even better, in two sessions mine has already given me a lot to work with. Realizing my anxious preoccupied attachment and discovering Brene Brown makes me feel a lot

I’m going through a lot of this right now as well. I find Brene Brown’s books super helpful. It revolves around the idea of self nurturing. It sounded so silly until I realized how much meaner I was to myself compared to how I treated others.

Aw man, I got a way to go then, just got started tonight. Hooray for you though!

I guess I’m hoping to learn how to be happy single? Just found out the guy I left because he wouldn’t date exclusively after months is in a relationship with a girl he’s know for 3 weeks. It’s hitting me really hard, but rejection happens sometimes. I've spent my whole adult life (admittedly not that long, I'm 25)