And yet you did. You’re a sad critter, Locomotive.
And yet you did. You’re a sad critter, Locomotive.
Like you care about children. Bish plz. You’re just terrified by the shitstorm you and your boy have set off. We are all here you mock you both openly.
I wonder how many children were watching the debate where Trump bragged about how big his dick is?
Ya boy said it on the news. U mad, snowflake?
When he does his front door handshake/parade with Trump with all the press out there, he’ll have a can of Onion Crunch in his other hand.
I laughed out loud at the Jenga bit and now I’m going to hell. Thanks for that.
It’s a picture of him posing with his wax mannequin self. Take it down a notch.
Go click. There should be nothing there to offend you. Other than Bieber.
It’s Justin Bieber grabbing the crotch of his wax dummy.
Yas at Amber getting the tax writeoff for the 6.8mil, while Depp only gets to count the 200k. That’s some kind of justice.
Listen — you’re not the only one who has called me about this and I have no right to interject my opinion of what I like or don’t like with the news organization of CBS and I will absolutely not engage this conversation.
I don’t have very strong feelings either way about Leo - though I do think The Departed era Leo was his hottest version, but this makes him sound like he’d be lots of fun to hang out with.
Perfect typography. Could literally hear his voice shouting that in my head.
Thank you. Yes to all of this. It’s been Jess ever since that episode when he showed up and yelled “WHY did you DROP out of YALE?!” at Rory.
Rory does not deserve Jess. She and Logan with their dumb love of money and nonsensical seemingly whimsical but really just dickish interludes that treat other people like crap belong together in a way Christopher and Lorelai never did.
Counterpoint: Ford is the first host built by Arnold to achieve sentience.
There’s no video.
seriously, wtf CMM. it’s not like you’re doing anything right now.