You are being naive.
You are being naive.
Yes, Dems can end the shutdown by caving to a hostage taker to make a destructive policy proposal a destructive reality, in exchange for nothing but the release of hostages (setting a precedent of rewarding hostage taking) despite the fact that he said the shutdown wasn’t the Dems fault on live TV and America agrees.
The car accident in Hereditary is legitimately one of the most upsetting and stressful scenes I’ve ever watched.
The end of Annihilation.
It’s probably because he’s so cartoony and easy to imitate but man, D’Arcy Carden’s Jason impression was spot on.
I hope this Elephant Shrew character is a Boozer, a User, and, most importantly, a Loser.
Some important points. 1) Being anti-vax is a choice. 2) It endangers the lives of the innocent. 3) It’s built on a pack of debunked lies.
Came for Hocus Pocus, left disappointed.
I never could have expected this pull, but Janet’s recipe included in the manifesto is a direct reference to Mario Batali’s sexual harassment apology, which included a pizza dough cinnamon roll apology. The depths this show will dice for a good are breathtaking.…
I mean he was distractingly buff.
you have a feeling this is gonna be it?
of COURSE some bro is going to roll in here with, “See!? This absurdist comedy confirms EVERYTHING wrong with Me, Too!”
There’s one truly great, chills-inducing scene in Bradley Cooper’s directorial debut, the latest Hollywood remake of A Star Is Born (Grade: B). I will now ruin it for you by describing it.
Rinko Kikuchi <3
Frank (begging for his life): Please, we can do a deal. I have a lot of money.
Also, the MethodOne Clinic.
Also good from Season 4: ANUSTART, and every joke that proceeds from it.
Gimme a break! Like you’ve never thought about recruiting for a sex cult.
I love how Josh indignantly argues how he’s not a stripper because there’s no pole involved, then immediately acknowledges that a pole would really help with his fireman persona.