Beatrix Kiddo 9000

Fuck unemployment. I'm so tired of scouring all the job websites and pretending to a perfect person when I talk to HR personnel. It sucks.

Rope and Strangers on a Train are both fantastic movies, some of my personal favorites from Hitchcock (up there with Psycho, Vertigo, The Birds, Rebecca, and Shadow of a Doubt). There is definitely gay undercurrent in both movies, which my gay brain enjoys.

Yes, it is completely nuts. I'm not sure how well someone would be able to retroactive memory lipread someones good bye words. It makes no sense from a "real world" perspective but it makes 100% in movie making perspective. The writer and/or director simply did not want you or Diana to hear the words "I love you"


The title literally means "Sad Lesbians" how are sad lesbians romantic?

I'm not sure why Big Fish works so well for me either. It's schmaltzy and ridiculous. But, for some reason I love it.

The more awkward you make it, the more awkward it will be. If you tell them "this is how I feel. I'm not trying to make this weird or awkward, but I just want to put my feelings out there. If you don't feel the same way, that's fine. I'd rather know so I can move on and we can continue to be friends."

Tinder is weird. I've had it for a while, but have only met up with one person so far (we text occasionally and snapchat but nothing ever really came of it). Most people don't read your profile and just swipe based on looking at your picture for 0.01 seconds. So, when you match, people often take a bit more time and

Still holding out hope that Santino Fontana shows up for an episode next season. Love his character.

Ya, there will probably be some elements of "Destroy Josh"

This is an excellent guess. The trailer seems to suggest there is swapping of consciousness/identity, which matches the description. But does A24 have distribution for that film?

This may be false hope but I'm going to cling to it desperately.

Obligatory list your favorite movies of 2016 Thread

Glad to see "The Handmaiden" high on the list. I haven't had such a good time at the movies in a long time.

I can't deal with this. That's too soon.

Credits are different every episode. Only those who appear in the episode are in 'em.

Damnit. Yes. Thanks. Fixed.

I want both of these theories to happen at the same time

We can be ruined together, except apart because this is the internet

Jumping the shark in episode nine would be pretty impressive for any series, but I don't think Westworld has done that yet. And Bernard is not Arnold.