
The internet cannot be trusted to do a light public shaming. (Obvious statement by DarkTowerLateArrival is obvious.)

I had bariatric surgery two years ago in August, and while that’s a whole different pot of fish, I can say without a doubt that it jacked up my metabolism but good. I mean, I lost almost 200 lbs and don’t have to take any meds but vitamins now, so yay, but I often forget to eat for days at a time, and struggle to

I want to lose weight but I would be so devastating to be successful in reaching a goal weight only to gain it all back. Also devastating to imagine living the rest of my life with no leeway in “screwing up.”

A number of recent research studies have shown that once you have dieted down to your ideal weight, you will need to continue to consume a few hundred calories less per day to maintain that weight, versus a person who has always been normal weight. This is what apparently confounds the efforts of a lot of dieters -

I would like to lose weight. I have tried several times. Losing it slowly by eating better, but it always comes back and brings friends. I’ve recently taken a look at the gene pool from which I have sprung. And apparently, I come from a long line of chesty, big-hipped women. And I should just accept my fate. (Note: I

I think the issue is we don’t really know as much as we thought we did and lots of this might me complicated than we thought.

Hang in there, Boom. Studies like this one are the beginning of actual science that will give us some answers. In the meantime, try to get some extra muscle mass on your body, and be sure to move around during the day, as well as doing workouts and stuff. Consciously adding insensible exercise in to your life can be a

It has to do with survival, genes, and hormones. Your body is honed through million of years of evolution to want to hold onto body fat. To remove it permanently needs to be a complex, stealthy, and seductive process that is mediated by a good, hard look at your gene pool. In the future, one hopes, there will be

Muscles will help immensely! Plus, they help prevent premature aging and protect you against diabetes!

I’m 5'10", 210lbs man right now. I was 230 a few months ago. I eat about 1800-2000 calories a day and get mild exercise. I would lose weight faster cutting calories down to 1200 a day, but I did that once and as expected, the weight came back. Not only did it come back, but I got ten pounds heavier eating the same way.

It seems to me that a lot of people are taking this as an indictment on the show, and not focusing on the real issue here: that these are issues that just HAPPEN to many people when they are trying to lose significant amount of weight. My own metabolism is shot in a very similar way, and I did nothing as extreme as

I have always had an issue with this show. I hate the idea of such a personal thing like weight being turned into a game. Not only that but it never seemed particularly healthy to me. Losing that much weight that fast seems like a bad idea.

So what’s the best approach for maintaining weight loss?

The msnbc joke got groans while calling Ben Carson a jigaboo got laughs

Blech. Sarandon. Rich, white woman wanting revolution that she can watch from another country while she sips on her martini.

This scene is my favorite part of the movie (I mean, I have many favorite parts, but this easily ranks near the top).

He definitely has a painting of himself up in an attic somewhere that ages while he stays the same.

Original movie, then the series.

Seriously though, if anyone wasn’t convinced of his attractiveness, the fact that he still managed to be hot on that show should be enough.

me, re: this cast, show