Beatrice Hawthorne is walking away from Omelas

It’s going to start happening more and more to white people because they didn’t speak up when it was happening to black people. Just like the opioid crisis.

That is fascinating and it makes sense. Straight man island. Totally a cause of what we’re seeing now with the isolation. You need to have friends with people with a different perspective than yours or else everything is going to be confusing.

Someone recently wrote a book about how our sexuality influences our friends. Specifically, gay women are most likely to be friends with gay men and straight women and all those non conforming. Straight women are mostly friends with gay men and gay women and all those non conforming. Gay men - you guessed it -

Oh my god Cork East ye were making us wait!! Can’t complain, though, cause the high turnout was brilliant.

I’m in Cork East constituency, I voted before half 8 yesterday morning and they didn’t release the official results for us until half 6 this evening. It was a fantastic turnout everywhere I’m so happy that it was such a decisive victory, I was worried there were a lot silent Nos but it seems the people staying quiet

If only he’d followed this handy guide!

“Apologies” like this one remove any doubt in my mind that the speaker is a serial harasser. They always sound so entitled, self-righteous, and devoid of empathy—the same traits that give rise to harassing behavior.

the article might not be appropriate, but the post sure as hell is..

I know this isn’t the appropriate post but my heart is too full.

Really? You went there? “We also watch TV together as a family.”

Please tell me you are a local and can confirm that many of the museum’s visitors are there for shits and giggles and general mockery because that would be me shitting on someone else’s religious beliefs like an ass. No shame.


It used to be that crashes and deaths caused by driving while drunk was just considered a part of the inherent risk of driving. People drive; people drink; sometimes bad things happen. Such is life. It took a concerted effort of pissed of moms of dead kids to say that conceptualization was fucked up and it’s not only’s not even limited to gynecologists.
My parents had an acquaintance (their son was my older brothers age, and they had a very close mutual friend, which lead to my parents knowing the family)

I know a woman in her 80s now who went to Navy doctors and they sounded like they were unacceptably awful. You would think that being a branch of the military, they would be some of the best doctors. They basically messed up the delivery of her one daughter but luckily, they both made it out OK. I am really sorry this

I’m so sorry. The military has a shameful history in regards to sexual abuse.

I’m sorry that happened to you. Fuck that guy.

I am also glad my GP is my gyno (and a woman). Makes things a lot easier.

I am thoroughly grateful that I got an awesome female gyno with surgical privileges, who practices in an entirely female office, and understood my anxiety about the whole exam process.

“Horton, Here’s a Poo!”