Beatrice Hawthorne is walking away from Omelas

I too think that I will probably never live with anyone again. And if I did, I would have a suite of rooms built just for me (a woman cave if you will). Living with my ex husband taught me that I need my own space to escape to. Space for my hobbies, and for me to just be myself.

fuck off! You obviously haven’t had my grandma’s ChicKenmore Parmolive

Amen to that. Independence is an incredible thing.

Amen. I bought my first house in 2008 because I was tired of putting my landlord’s kids through private school. Later, I sold that house to move far away with the guy I thought I was going to marry. I could never shake the feeling that I lived in HIS house; he didn’t lord it over me, but my inner Beyonce just felt

I still have a savings account attached to my checking that I named “f*ck off fund” (didn’t want to offend anyone at the bank) because of this article!

It wasn’t just about supporting myself. If I was dissatisfied with the men I dated, I could walk away.

Bravo, Miss! Please join us for tea. And yarn crafts.

I grew up subjected to the whims of other people. If I wanted something, my parents would tell me to get my own money and buy it myself. My father constantly reminded us that we were living in “his” (not my mother’s) house and the shelter and food we enjoyed was because he provided it and we should never say “my”

My pleasure. The TinyKittensHQ livestreams and videos are a gift meant to be shared.

Squeee! Toe beans and cuddle puddles! My babies just turned three Friday and FB was nice enough to show me a picture of them when they were three weeks old (I knew the woman who is owned by their Mama, so I had occasional pics from their birth up to the day I brought them home). It’s hard to believe they were ever

That DH haircut was the shit. 

I was an edgy 9 year old.*

I thought Drew Barrymore’s alcohol rehab at 13 was bad ...

Hi Lil Tay,

I literally hate myself for reading this and the previous piece.

I was happy not knowing any of this but I clicked and read so that’s on me.

One paragraph in, I already knew I was not going to be looking at this kids videos or instagram.

I kinda feel like child protective services should have been called before publishing this. It’s clear this girl is being abused... and maybe just maybe there needs to be responsible adults looking out for her welfare before she ends up dead in an overdose as a Jane Doe.