Beatrice Hawthorne is walking away from Omelas

Then you went to a a school that didn’t have a great education program, if that’s all you learned. Because in my school we learned about about men who were not just war generals and world leaders but who were pioneers in science, philosophy, literature, art and more. All areas women were GREATLY undermined in.

I swear 90% of the comments on THR/Variety/Deadline are driven by traffic from The Drudge Report and similar right wing sites. They almost never read like people who follow trade publications because they are interested in the actual industry, it’s just a bunch of culture war BS.

100%. I truly believe this is the root of all MRA bullshit—they cannot conceive that every single woman walking around on this planet has her own interior life, her own hopes and dreams, and is the hero of her own story. It’s the same thing that causes men & boys to call women “fake geek girls” or “fake gamer girls”

This quote deserved to be emphasized. In every facet of storytelling - film, tv, books, graphic novels, music - boys and men are never asked or confronted with women’s stories like girls and women are confronted with men’s stories. Even history books in school are about men and their accomplishments. Boys won’t read

YUP. So true- there are EXTREMELY few times (even in my English class) where boys are forced to see from the perspective of women, while girls are asked to think like men almost all of the time.

Just swinging in here to emphasize this quote:

I agree, too. I feel like the only time DV was played for laughs in I, Tonya was the shotgun scene, and they said it might not have actually happened, so it felt more like a fantasy, anyway. When the violence was REAL, the audience gasped. No one was laughing, not even the ‘I’m uncomfortable and this is how I cope

yeah I think this is a great assessment. I think the perfectly emblematic scene (SPOILERS!!!!!!!) is Tonya skating around the rink while Jeff and other dude realize their stupid letter plan won’t work and she’s like OMG WHATEVER BYE. Like, she just wanted to skate and be loved. And it was hard for the world to give

That film seems to be 100% sadistic male fantasy

They lose on the pro-life angle anyway because they certainly are doing nothing in the world to promote “life” for either that precious fetus or the woman at any stage of the game.

Clara Wardlow’s blistering review of Red Sparrow (linked below). Everyone read this young female reviewer, every chance you get. It was refreshing to have someone call out one of these fake-feminist misogyfilms:

Yea, I saw the Muse’s review of ITonya and it actually put me off of watching it when it came out. But I do want to see it now to see what Jez means in regards to the depiction of domestic violence. I don’t think Clover wrote the original review, but there seems to be a consensus.

I have to agree with this. I never felt the violence in there was a joke except for one scene where she shoots at her husband. That to me felt like the only scene played for laughs. I always felt anytime she was hit it was jarring and the film and it was meant to suddenly turn everything uncomfortable, or remind the

He isn’t pro-life. He’s pro-birth. If he was pro-life, he’d support legislation that actually helps single mothers in financial need instead of taking benefits away from them.

I’m glad you told her you supported her. I’m sorry your friend behaved so terribly. That has to hurt you too, since you care about them both and have known them so long.

You’re already an amazing friend for letting her know you will be there to support her, regardless of her relationship with her husband.

That’s a difficult amount of things to process all at once. I wish I could give you some awesome advice, but I can’t, because I don’t know any. Thank you for going to visit your friend and letting her know she isn’t alone. That, probably more than anything, is what she needs. She must feel very isolated right now.

I mean, either the fetus is a person (life) or he/she/it is not. If he/she/it is, defend that position to its logical conclusion (it’s a capital crime) or GTFO with your “pro-life” shit.

This is the logical conclusion of the anti-choice argument. It’s not surprising and I just wish more of them were intellectually honest about it.

Well, if he needs a new job, I heard The Atlantic is hiring.