Beatrice Hawthorne is walking away from Omelas


One of them is named “Finn Wolfhard”. You lost that battle the second that name was created

I make an *amazing* arugula, fennel, grapefruit and avocado salad with Dijon and white wine vinegar dressing!

This is an interesting development.

I genuinely thought that by “wellness” they meant like normal taking care of yourself and feeling good, not Goop nonsense. I maybe should have read the intro bit before I voted...

Actual repeoductive slavery is worse than Trump as President forever...but I really had to think about it. So much other bad shit comes with Trump. I was picturing some nightmare dictator for life situation.

My prediction: No More Student Loan Debt is going to win the whole thing.

I can’t believe that, in early voting, Wellness is beating Capitalism, considering that Wellness is Capitalism, just the even worse kind of capitalism where it’s explicitly trying to sell you bullshit by making you feel really awful about yourself. At least regular capitalism occasionally produces really cool sandwich

3 votes for ivanka

I was in awe of Karamo’s patience. And while the cop even PARTICIPATING in the conversation and being calm about it is better than nothing, I still did not like that guy. And I didn’t like that episode. A cold open where Karamo gets pulled over without his license by a white cop in the middle of Georgia? So tone deaf.

Avocados with grapefruit.

10/10 would still watch the Netflix wedding special if only to see if Antoni caters the reception by just placing 100 avocados on plates and calling it a day  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Grandpa Joe, decent? Tell me you’re not serious. That old man laid in bed for 20 years letting his poor daughter take care of him and his wife along with the inlaws, all while smoking tobacco that he sure as hell wasn’t paying for. He also somehow bought a Wonka bar for Charlie with no money (thus, he swiped money

Not sure she counts as “lame” but I hate that we are supposed to hate Miranda Priestly and think Andy made the right decision by dramatically quitting in favor of her whiny boyfriend who needs a very special birthday party on his birthday. Miranda Priestly is supposed to be a cautionary tale because she is a divorced

I’ve always wanted a sequel about the Baroness. I’m convinced she discreetly skipped town till the war was over and led a fabulous life of cocktails and assorted male suitors, while Maria was stuck with the kids.

“The law is the law.”

I’m with you. I can’t read the story because the headline alone made me feel like I was going to have an anxiety attack from the overwhelming sadness.

just because the ad is terrible doesn’t mean there isn’t a right answer.

Ok I am giving you a star because yes but also can we please not make references to the dog in the bin? I just keep seeing it so afraid and alone and trapped and I am really, really sad about that, to put it mildly.

You know whatever dude came up with it probably giggled to himself the moment he made the ad and then called over all the bros he works with at their app (only woman they’ve hired does “art”) and high-fived each of them. Then grabbed a beer out of the complementary beer fridge and got loudly drunk at work at a 2PM on