Beatrice Hawthorne is walking away from Omelas

It’s degrading. Housekeeping staff are already working hard to earn a paycheck. Making them go on a treasure hunt for tips may seem “fun” to the giver but is really kinda cruel and clueless. “Oh, you’ve cleaned 20 filthy rooms and have 20+ more to go, can you find all of the tips I’ve hidden, whee!”

Yeah, she’s not smart in every way. I have a real issue with her preaching shit like The Secret and supporting the idea that you can get anything you want in life if you just believe are willing to pray or hope and somehow it will manifest itself. She’s done a lot of good work, and she has absolutely worked hard, but

I agree. And, while she’s intelligent in many ways, she’s incredibly gullible. She seems to have that “Goop” mentality of “This ‘expert’ is attractive and charismatic; therefore his/her opinions/treatments must be legit!”. From Dr. Oz to “The Secret,” she’s consistently championed pseudoscience and woo-hoo on her

“I thought what if it’s all over the room? ... I put it underneath the rug. Imagine how happy that person was!”

I don’t think you’ve got just bad vibes to work with, here. You witnessed him belittling her intelligence. I would point this fact out to her, and any other incidents like it. I would also affirm that she is intelligent, and that she’s more intelligent than he is, that’s for sure. Tell her that she doesn’t deserve to

Please let her know what you noticed, I think that can be done without the ‘YOU HAVE TO LEAVE HIM’ level, but maybe she also kinda notices things but doesn’t feel justified? Or maybe it will plant something in her brain that will get her out faster if it does escalate. That scares me because that’s a classic

I would say something, yes. Part of the way abusers groom their victims is by gaslighting them into thinking their perceptions aren’t real, that their feelings are unjustified. If friends say, “John was really being mean to you Friday night,” that might upset her in the short term, but if she’s also been uncomfortable

As someone in a similar situation with a friend who’s dating a guy that I don’t think is much of an improvement over her shitty ex-husband, do I tell her how I feel about this guy just based off of bad vibes (he kept mocking her intelligence the entire time we were playing Cards Against Humanity, even though shes

You’re probably a troll, but fuck it and fuck you. I’m on the second floor of an inside hallway in a school surrounded by heavy wrought iron fence. You think I don’t fucking know we’re sitting ducks? But going outside and being visible is riskier than sitting in a dark classroom behind several doors. What we do is

I asked a bible thumper/gun humper who posted that meme “then how do we explain all the church shootings?” Crickets

Now playing

when someone brings up the “guns are necessary for protection” argument:

It absolutely blows my mind that Republicans can balance the cognitive dissonance of “look, an angry teenager is always just going to be able to somehow source a semi-automatic rifle, even if they’re illegal and rare and strictly controlled and almost impossible to get ammunition for, never mind that literally no

Exactly. These Wannabe Vulcan guys are all the same... They’re scared of what they’re feeling, so they put on this hysterical “I’m rational and emotionless, I’m not like you weak humans and your feelings” front. But it’s always a facade that comes with a wobbly lower lip, because what they think sounds like

It completely baffles me how the people who scream the loudest about free speech have the least idea of what it actually means.


I have some bourbon barrel aged maple syrup at home which is one of the most delicious things I have ever tasted (I often stir some into steamed milk for the best cold weather drink ever.) Am going to try one of these the second I get home!

Less Trump sex talk and more dog pictures, Ponies.

I swear I read that pirate one in college (not for college though). At first the woman is reluctant, but he’s just so good at raping and beating her she falls in love with him. It was a really long romance novel, too. I read a lot of historical romances in high school and college, but that one sticks out

Rachel Brand, the number three at Justice, just resigned. As did a White House speechwriter (for wife-beating).