My neighbor’s nephew goes to school with this kid. He’s the sweetest kid. It’s a nice story. Let’s try not to shit on something nice today. I say this selfishly because I had a very bad week and this made me happy and I want to not have something that made me happy shit on. lol
Vukmir opines that “our national obsession with the feelings of teenagers has played an enormous but heretofore unrecognized role in what is transpiring nationwide.”
Yeah I had a Chihuahua Corgi mix that I absolutely adored and he was amazing when I first adopted him. Slowly he started to hate strangers, then started to hate everyone else too. He only liked me, one of my friends, and another friend and her husband but he wanted to kill everyone else. Even people he knew from the…
So I have a corgi. She’s adorable. She’s also leash aggressive, and has also been aggressive towards cats. I’ve had her with two different trainers, so it isn’t for lack of trying. They are adorable, but I’m not surprised that happened to your dog. They are herding dogs, and can get very aggressive and have a Napoleon…
So I realize it’s patently unfair to hate corgis just because one nearly killed my dog and then its unbelievable cunt of an owner tried to file an Animal Control claim against me because she said her poor baby was “deeply traumatized” by ripping my dog’s throat out — but it’s really damned hard to keep from hating…
Can we please stop saying that men like Elliot Rodger “love” women? They love women like I love cheeseburgers. I think the correct word is WANT.
I have been pretty vocal on here that I find somethings absolutely unforgivable, and will never forgive my rapist. And it makes a lot of people VERY uncomfortable.
As for me, I’ve started asking, “How come you want these victims to ‘get over it,’ yet if anyone suggested the same about 9/11, you’d blow a gasket?” I’ve never gotten a response.
Another element of himpathy is the push for forgiveness and healing — sometimes literal days after the action. But when people say “forgiveness,” what they really mean it moving on, being over the transgression, and never mentioning the incident again. We’ve become so focused on that, that we don’t realize that…
Thanks for this excellent interview and for bringing this book to my attention. I agree that Trump is more misogynist that sexist, but he wears an evil coat of many evil colors, and his general need to be the gender rigid alpha male in any situation means he uses misogyny against women who say no, and belittling…
Stellar interview, and I fully intend to read this book. It speaks to a lot of experiences in my own life.
Most over rated Director I can think of. Pulp Fiction was a great move, robbed of the Oscar that year. But Tarantino is so full of himself. He is a hipster. He just was one before it became a thing. A spoiled rich kid, who got a good break and acts as if he is the coolest person on earth. he said a few years ago he…
I have to admit I have not hated some of his movies, (I haven’t seen them all, certainly not since Kill Bill), though for me they ranged from “problematic” to “complete fucking mess.” That said, I have always, always thought Tarantino, himself, came across as a creepy fucking douche.
I think he’s made some good movies, but his last one was truly terrible and basically seemed to exist only to have Jennifer Jason Leigh get beat up over and over again. The movie even ends with her being graphically hung while Sam Jackson and Walton Goggins laugh at her.
Hey, you know those con men who talk people into giving them their entire life savings before disappearing? Perfectly fine. It’s not like the victims were forced to give the con men their money. They weren’t held at gunpoint or anything; it was their choice to turn over their life savings.
Pick up artist tricks have been around long enough now that a lot of women can recognize them and will be put off by them. Is it really that hard to just treat women like actual people?
I’m not trying to be rude, but I had to skim through your history to check to see you weren’t a troll. As it is, how can you read that and think the guys are “trying to be attractive.” Negging women is attractive? Having women tell you they’re not interested and still badgering them relentlessly is attractive?…
This entire paragraph:
It’s a combination of that and psychological techniques designed to remove agency from the victim.