So why isn’t somebody with more juice than Louis CK coming out about this? If it’s that well known, Seinfeld, Tina Fey, Amy Poehler, etc. could do something about it.
So why isn’t somebody with more juice than Louis CK coming out about this? If it’s that well known, Seinfeld, Tina Fey, Amy Poehler, etc. could do something about it.
To be fair, I’d say a good 90-95% of people are sane, rational human beings who are like - “Duh, topless baby. Because baby.” and don’t bat a single lash when I’ve got her in the ruffly butt suit (and can I say ruffle baby butt is the cutest thing ever). But when she’s in the “boy” suit 100% of people don’t bat an…
That really drives how purely this is about bullshit “modesty” culture (which is just another word for rape culture). It has nothing to do with the actual child’s body—just as you say, your daughter’s body is only considered wanton and slatternly when people realize she’s a girl. The exact same body is perfectly…
Beyond being gross and outrageous, their policies also don’t make any goddamned sense. Most straight guys – obviously the base they’re catering to – certainly wouldn’t call size 5 fat (I’m a 10 and have never been told I’m fat in my life, by guys or anyone else). I’d bet money they’d go for 5 and UP before lobbying…
I think Scottie should have a forced anal probe - they are SO cool!
I had a transvaginal ultrasound when I had an abortion. I wasn’t happy about it, but knew it was a requirement. The women at my local planned parenthood were very sensitive & never forced me to look at the images. It’s horrific & sad to me that men are making these rules which make a hard situation even harder.
It took me way too long to realize you didn’t mean that the brother had just gotten a job at Marshall’s. I was like, “Who throws a fucking party for that?”
I have to confess, I just don’t get the public proposal at all, regardless of where it is. Unless you know it’s something that your intended would like (and when I say “know”, I mean you’ve actually discussed it, rather than assuming) then that’s just a horrible thing to do to somebody. I had an overeager boyfriend in…
I don’t know. When I see my husband put on deodorant I’m like, “Does any of it actually make it to your skin? Or are you just coating your fur in old spice?”
I’m trying! :)
you are failing at #2 and HOW IS #3 POSSIBLE
I live with all men (husband, sons) and they are never not talking. NEVER. And I’m a super extrovert and I’m like making plans to build a bunker under the house to escape the mindless, endless, pointless chatter that fills my ears at all times.
exactly - I’m trying to turn my front lawn - what’s left of it - into field of butterfly/bee/bird friendly grasses and flowers, and just trying to keep the backyard soft and accessible for tender toddler toes :)
Ah! This explains a lot. My lawn has started coming back with the small amount of rain we’ve gotten in the past few weeks and I’ve been sort of amazed since I thought it was most certainly permanently dead by this point. Is this true for all types of grass, or just the type commonly grown in southern California? I’m…
And don’t use herbicides and pesticides? If you really want a smooth green surface, you need to earn it damnit - nothing like wrestling dandelion weeds with a trowel for a good weekend workout ;p
Perfect. Thank you.
Also like.
I joined the neighborhood message board and it is full of this damned anti-science conspiracy chemtrail crap. Why are people so STOOOOPID?
There’s just a huge, huge range. I believe Amish romance is a thing for instance. You kind of have to look around and figure out what sub genre works for you. Do you want something scorching hot/kinky, hot, mild, comic? contemporary? rich people contemporary or regular people contemporary? paranormal? historical?…