Beatrice Hawthorne is walking away from Omelas

You know what’s fucked up? I tended to be a lot more, for lack of a better word, manly in my work dealings. Direct, unapologetic, etc. I’m a middle manager in my own right, and I kept being hauled into my boss’s office because the other male manager had issues with the way I was doing thing.

I just watched this. This is the most hilarious thing, ever.

It is. From the most recent episode. It's all about these women on a panel apologizing excessively. It's pretty spot on.

I think for him it read as an almost absurdist sketch. But for me it was kind of sad and truthful. This season has been like that. It's been really direct and biting. Which is great! But something about this just made me feel sad.

I’m sorry :(

This sketch made me want to cry. I don't think my boyfriend got it.


That sucks and it’s kinda funny since “low-fat” and lean cuisine are not the most effective way to lose weight or stay lean.

Well to be fair, most 60-year-olds can’t buy $15,000 dresses either. And anyone who can afford to spend that kind of money on a single outfit doesn’t actually have trouble finding anything to wear, not if they’re trying. I’m all about the old broads but I don’t really get this argument.

As someone whose research is somewhat related to this type of argument, men and women’s brains do seem to be different and there is a increasing volume of research that suggests that men and women solve mental tasks in different ways (not better or worse just different) and so it is entirely possible that one type of

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i've lived alone a couple years now. woman's prerogative disclaimer, but i feel like even if i meet my soulmate and marry i'll still want my own apartment.

Please come to my country. We have stricter gun control, less restrictive abortion laws, gay marriage, socialized healthcare, you cannot directly vote for the person who leads the country and we've had a female Prime Minister before. Hell, two of our provinces are currently led by women, one of whom is openly gay!

Some good suggestions. I struggled with this a bit post-divorce. One other thing that helped me is finding something that actually depended on me. I know this isn’t for everyone, but in addition to the companionship, the sense of responsibility helped.

I have a collection of these stanky crotch monstrosities on my pinterest. There's some serious twat hatred in these ads.

aren't all of us with depression putting on that facade? Mines fallen down this week, but I'll probably pull it back together soon. My fucking fake face.


Sometimes it's not clear just how bad your relationship is until you experience something more normal. That can be a huge wake up call.

I felt this way the first time I saw the Mona Lisa. My dad told me, "It's not going to be as great as you think." And it really wasn't. So many things are so built up that the letdown is inevitable. What was great about the disappointment of the Mona Lisa was that you could literally just turn around in the Louvre and