Beatrice Hawthorne is walking away from Omelas

It breaks my heart that she thinks that being arrested is proof of her wrongdoing, or of her being complicit in her own assault. That she thinks being "suggested" to apologize was justified by her being complicit. Janay, nothing you could have possibly done justifies your being knocked unconscious and dragged out of

Jesus H CHRIST - there is a lot of work going to defend the guy who knocked his wife unconscious on an elevator.

Note also that his thought on seeing his unconscious fiance was not, "Is she okay?" but "What did I do?" It's all about him.

Whatever people say or do when they're drunk – it's already in them. Acohol only lowers a person's inhibitions. It's not like some other foreign being takes them over. Violent drunks are violent people, even if they suppress it most of the time. Couples who fight when drunk: the booze only loosens their tongues...

As someone who was in an abusive relationship for over 10 years (in which I was once knocked unconscious) I can tell you that nothing scares them more then the presence of the law, the possibility that there may be a "official type" witness to what they did, and the then very real possibility that they will have to

I know…she appears to be saying that Goodell made extra-sure to confirm that alcohol was involved, because…why, exactly? "Well, as long as you guys were both drunk!"

I find that alcohol is only a factor because aggressive people use it as an excuse to be violent.

I've certainly been drunk enough that I've said or done things that I may not have appreciated the next morning, but never anything that's outside the realm of who I am as a person. Just because he was drunk when he did this, doesn't mean he wouldn't have done it/couldn't have done it sober.

Being drunk doesn't excuse any form of illegal activity. It doesn't excuse killing someone with your vehicle. It shouldn't excuse being abusive towards an intimate partner.

This quote was one of the saddest things that she's said, imo. It's a little subtle compared to a lot of what she's said about that day. But it just made my heart sink.

I asked him what happened when we got out of the elevator. He told me he was terrified because security was there.


I don't know that I will ever not chuckle at this comment.

It's actually about ethics in video game journalism.

Ask and you shall receive.

Can we please start a picture thread of our chihuahuas because I seriously need that adorableness to counteract how incredibly awful this is.

Hope I'm not being nosy, but what business are you in? I don't wear makeup either (for much the same reasons), and I've never felt weird because of the lack of it. But I've mainly worked in copy shops as a designer, print specialist and general Ms. Fixit. I never learned how to do my hair in anything but a knotty lump

I was never taught how to do my hair or makeup, so I just... don't. Sometimes I wonder if it's holding me back at work, especially when the other women around me are perfectly groomed and styled. But at the same time, I can get out of bed and out the door in ten minutes flat.

Is it just laying around? Did he piss off the Mob?