Beatrice Hawthorne is walking away from Omelas

“Not the mama!”

Not sure at all about the whole leaving the house thing.... Sounds awfully suspicious to me. And I feel like drinking at bars is a young person’s thing? Like I would do that when I was in my 20s, but now I’m afraid I would just be pathetic...

This has got to be the best goldfish ever!

Sounds delicious!

Man, that sucks! Wishing you a speedy recovery from the pain and rash. I’m 50 and I can’t get the shingles vaccine for like 10 or 15 more years, but everyone I know who’s had it has been too young for the vaccine.

I’m so sorry. She’s really a gorgeous girl. Hugs to you both.

I have been poking around on meetup, and am joining a writer’s group. It’s only once a month, but at least it’s something!

I just moved across the country with just my dogs to start a new job. It’s been terrifying and lonely, but also liberating and exhilarating. But I miss my friends so much. I have always taken a long time to make new friends (what if she’s a psycho? what if he’s a bigot?), but I feel like I want to maybe move faster

Yes, but it was so dark I had to take a break. The dragonfly broke my heart as he sobbed about wanting to die.

I just made the exact same comment, Ruth!

I fucking hate Piers Anthony. I read so much of him when I was very young and didn’t know any better. Then all of a sudden around 17 I was like, hey, wait a minute, this guy is a piece of shit.


What the hell was that? That is way creepier than the robots.

I love birthday cake, and I love that I can eat the entire goddamn pint. But then, everyone I love is dead and there is only ice cream.

Except that is cute and fun and has the amazing Kathy Bates at the center!

In my admittedly limited world, nothing is “out” until you literally can’t buy it anymore. Thus, skinny jeans, flares, bootcuts, and boyfriend jeands are all still very much in style. Thank God.

I know right??!! My XXS friend always looks amazing in her trendy clothes that she buys at deep discounts on sale. Meanwhile I am paying full price for my M to L clothes because there’s nothing left on sale. The fashion industry exists to make money!!! You would think they would figure this out!!!

Short tightly curled permed gray hair says old lady to me. I see women my age sporting this look and I just want to say, Oh honey, no.

I loved it at the time. I still think “I like a fresh bowl” when I see a dirty bowl in the bathroom. And it really did revive Robert Downey’s career.

Oh honey, I am so sorry. Losing a pet is so, so hard. My heart goes out to you. You were such a good dog mom to make that decision, even though it broke your heart. All the hugs to you.