Beatrice Hawthorne is walking away from Omelas

Thank you. That makes a lot of sense. All the best to you, and thank you for serving your country.

I am old enough that I don’t know anyone in the military anymore (they have all retired or taken their skills to other areas). What do current service members think of the President? Very curious about this.

I give you all my stars tonight.

The world needs more jazz hands.

Today I found 2 typos in one Washington Post article. No one is getting proofread anymore. I blame spellcheck.

I love the library, but I haven’t made it to the one in my new town yet. Thanks for the suggestion! I can go over at lunch next week.

I have thought about that as a good way to get introduced to how everything works without the scary part of being on stage. Thanks for the suggestion _ you have me seriously thinking about it!

I know how you feel. My SIL just asked me how many friends I had made in my new city. Um, none?

My brother is also an actor in his spare time (he has a full time job). He says he found all his friends in the theater and is pushing me to get into it. I’m curious, but a little intimidated.

As someone who is 50 and starting to experience some regrets, I would strongly recommended trying to rekindle your friendships. They may be busy right now, but they won’t be forever. Plus, you never know what people are going through, and I bet they would love knowing you are there for them!

I haven’t, but only because my little dog is an asshole that literally attacks any dog nearby. She’s a rescue and has issues. I could take my big dog, but I’m not sure it’s fair to leave the little one home alone. Or am I just making excuses?

She is so beautiful it hurts my heart. So glad she is getting bigger and stronger. All the hugs to you and your amazing baby.

This is great advice! I have a motto, “Just show up.” I don’t have to feel comfortable, and I force myself to talk to people. It doesn’t come naturally to an introvert.

I’m in the same boat. Divorced for a couple of years, just moved to a new state a couple of months ago. Just me and my dogs. I’m thinking of joining a writers group, or taking acting classes.

It’s the gays. It’s happening because of the gays. It’s always the gays. Oh, and the abortions. Bad things happen to the good, church-goin’ folks because they haven’t been hard enough on the gays. Or prevented enough abortions.

What, he worry?

Geese are curious and scary smart. Mine would unscrew the little covers on my tire valves and when I went to put air in my tires I was always like, “where are all my damn valve covers??!!”

...imagine if an extremely angry emu came charging towards you as you were trying to get your mail.

You are right, of course. Hope I didn’t offend the straight white men by lumping them in with straight men of color or gay white men!

Yes! Too many women. Can we get back to straight white men, please?