One thing I won’t miss after the end of Game of Thrones is the constant low whine of “But I DON’T LIKE Game of Thrones!”
One thing I won’t miss after the end of Game of Thrones is the constant low whine of “But I DON’T LIKE Game of Thrones!”
“game of throeos?”
Yep. But the maternal excusal of molestation and attraction to klan-flavored self-proclaimed Christians is sort of a package deal. In their world: all blacks (except that one they like) are niggers, all girls are sexable, and all white men are just one lucky break from being a billionaire. Those women try to get in on…
Thank you for writing the piece. I’ve been fine for a long time, and I’m very much not feeling fine lately, and the inundation from the media is absolutely a contributing factor. This was very validating and helped me call off the negative self-talk voice a bit today.
“Was it hard to “do it”?” I whispered gently salivating into my children’s portioned French toast.
Seriously, I don’t even have kids and that seems goddamn preposturous. Your kids kinda need you, if only for the comfort of having a parent around, when they’re sick.
I mean, yes. I wrote that with more than a bit of snark, knowing the audience.
With all sincerity, though, it’s been a hard, but amazingly wonderful experience. Since she made the transition from human potato to an actual little being who is starting to interact with the world around her... it’s so awesome to see. I…
I have a six month old daughter. She’s great. She thinks all my stupid jokes are funny and she gets really happy to see me when I pick her up from daycare each day. It’s pretty wonderful. Plus, I’m getting to experience all the beginning of life things again through her eyes. PBS Kids is pretty cool, you guys.
Yeah, if a friend gets butt hurt over something like that, I’m not going to feel bad about not trying to reschedule.
Who calls a sitter to watch their sick kid? I mean, I guess if it is a make or break event that you might miss but just a meal with a friend?
Honestly this is why I didn’t watch The Revenant with Mr. Calrissian. I was turned off because it’s a story about legendary levels of macho tough manliness and manly values. The trailer was enough. The cinematography looked beautiful but I didn’t want to sit through hours of guys out machoing each other without taking…
in most cases you don’t need a Bechdel test to see how sexist movies are, sometimes trailer is enough
Baby Got Bechdel.
Ditto. Having an app to track my baby's feedings has been a lifesaver!
We enjoy many apps. During pregnancy we liked the pregnancy apps to show us what was developing when. For the first year we loved the feeding/diapering/immunization/growth chart app (it now syncs with our withings scale and plots his weights from birth). And now that he's older he enjoys many learning apps on the…
"that woman shouldn't have a vagina in the first place" :(
How exactly is a woman supposed to lock up her vagina? If you don't want someone to steal your bike, you lock it to something, otherwise you were kind of asking for someone to steal it. But it's a lot more complicated with rape, because women are always "asking for it" in one way or another- by wearing the wrong…
Oh god, I'm soooo sick of the "replace rape with theft" argument. Rape and theft aren't analogous at all. "Leaving a bicycle out without a chain and lock" is NOT the same as "a woman jumping naked with a man into bed." By equating a woman — a PERSON — with a bike, you're saying she's an object that needs to be…
@♥♦ Goopplesoft ♣♠: Your misogyny is safe and sound here.