
I'm not a fan of dishonesty as a general rule, but considering that Wal-Mart's "price matching" is one of their key weapons to choke out smaller retail competition, I can't say I'm too sad if the tactic occasionally bites back.

You have trouble believing that?

Sometimes you have to fight fire with fire. Walmart has all the integrity of a sandcastle at high-tide, so frankly getting one up on them should be applauded

PFFFT. You need to abuse the system wherever possible. People that think they are doing something noble or full of integrity by not haggling or using the system to their benefit are just suckers.

That's kind of my reaction as well. I mean, I understand it's upsetting for those who put their time, effort, and funding into it. The author says it's not for the faint of heart. Why? It's an unmanned spacecraft. I could understand that statement if there were a crew on board, but a rocket exploding

How is this upsetting to see?

I guess the cosmetics commercials spend more on the visual correction?

If you think that's good, wait until you discover Cocainut Water!

You went there? My best friend has a deadly grass allergy, you son of a bitch.

Cocaine also has some health benefits.

Wisconsin is also double listed, while I approve of Minnesota no longer being part of the Union it certainly can't be part of Wisco.

I opened the reply window last night and fell asleep as I started to type to you.

Of course you can't type quickly. Your fat, greasy fingers get in the way.

Pretty impressive, but I pity the locksmith after somebody accidentally breaks their key in this lock.

Says the lady with 4 iPads in her household.

So he plans to invest in this guys right?

Now you can text while jerking two guys off