
i didn’t really like season 1 but absolutely loved season 2. i’d cry one minute and laugh the next and wonder how they’re doing this to so well?

As a retail worker, it isn’t about effing killing baby Jeebus with heathen resolve. It’s about the sheer number of holidays in an incredibly short period of time. I wait on 500-700 people a single shift. Every time I customize a departing wish of well being, it sticks, for months. Fourth of July, Mother’s Day, or

I did because hey, we’ve all been there, but then we went bowling and dude wore flip flops (no socks, obviously) and put his foot directly in the shoe. Could not unsee. Could not bone.

I was a Lambda Chi some 30+ years ago, and am not really surprised. FYI, LXA was the first fraternity to prohibit hazing of new members. To underline the prohibition, they changed the term of a new member from “pledge” to “associate”. They’re one of the more progressive fraternities around.

Modern Pharisees. The culture largely supports and rewards racist behavior but the social mores decry being racist, so you get around the contradiction by rules-lawyering what ‘being a racist’ is. Everyone knows a Racist is someone who exhibits only the most serious, overt, and intentional displays of racial animus

Most white people are racist but have no idea they’re racist. Also, being called racist is considered pejorative by many, so regardless of whether they are or aren’t racist, they definitely don’t want to be called a pejorative word.

I can’t quite get my head around the contradictory desire among so many white people to be racist but not be called racist.

I thought Athens had a reputation for being pretty liberal? edited for change of opinion.

Yep. That’s actually the lesson of the widow’s mite. Not that she was giving all she had to give and should be honored for that above the pharisees, but how WRONG the establishment was for taking all from a widow while they sang praises about gifts/sacrifices/donations that they could easily afford. Not related as an

It’s amazing how so many churches based on one book that is actually pretty clear about these things, can get it so very wrong. Well, maybe not amazing when you factor in man’s ability to put himself first. They take one or two verses out of the entire Bible and build a whole church around it, designed to make money

Well, the razy thing is, guys like this are listed tons of times in both testaments - usually called a variety of derogatory names, with warnings attached.

You’re someone’s mom now. Nothing more important than that, so drop the “loser”? (I’ll follow you and pull you from the grey when I see you). One of my dad’s biggest regrets, till the day he died, was making my sisters and me self conscious about our weights. It resulted in (contributed to) two of us being chronically

I have never had children but I enjoy their company and lots of friends’ kids and my own relatives are adults now with their own children. I would never think to criticize anyone’s appearance. You gave your father a grandchild. Does he want you to slim down so you’d be more alluring even though you already have a

I feel you about the older generation. My Dad had some pretty unrealistic expectations about how I would look (healthy, energetic) after a late-in-life pregnancy with many complications, months of bed rest, an emergency C-section, massive blood loss, multiple hospital readmissions, the works. When my Mom had me, women

I would throw the chips at him the moment he said something about my weight or eating habits. And that would be accompanied by a screaming fit the likes of which he’d never heard before. Seriously. What an ass.

This may be difficult with him being in the house and all, but when my Dad started making unnecessary comments on my diet, I ended communication with him. It took two months but he got the memo.

The first time I ever had the ovaries to do this was because a friend of a friend was just giving me a terrible feeling. He tells the table this horribly offensive joke, and everyone halfheartedly laughs except me. He gets annoyed, and says, “what, you don’t think it’s funny?”

Must rewatch that movie for the bajillionth time now...and while I’m at it, Pump Up the Volume too, damnit.