
I got a really big doggie jogging partner (doberman) and the harassment vanished. Doggie magic.

Zabella’s right. I didn’t hear about this guideline until I was thirty, so I’ve only applied it to one relationship, but it works to be single for a good chunk of time, get back to yourself and be good to yourself before dating again. I wish I’d taken a little more time, honestly.

Half way through the extraction, my surgeon realized he was going to have to saw my teeth in half to get them out. All of the sudden I REALLY WANTED to keep those teeth - but I was on some great drugs and had a hard time communicating that to the doctor. My mother woke me up, woozy, in the recovery room and showed

LOL, my thoughts exactly.

I do this. I eat vegan 70% of the time and 30% of the time I eat whatever the hell I want. It works for my body AND it’s great for the planet. What I don’t understand is why people get their panties all twisted over it. So I want a vegan meal for dinner tonight and a paleo meal for breakfast tomorrow? The the eff

Milwaukee is a great city. You’ll be fine.

That’s a tear for the man ihop killed in prison.

I was a little sad when my high school sweetheart got married, but I controlled myself. His wife friended me on facebook a few weeks later; since I’ve never met her and have no connection to her other than him, I assume it was to rub it in my face. Years later when I got married she unfriended me.

Both my psycho ex and my husband have random encounter stories about Ron White. Coincidence?

I came here to make the same comment!

This really works. I use it all the time with college freshmen.

Thank you. I’ve been trying to explain this to my mother for far too long. I had to boil it down to an etiquette-style rule for her: if you’re telling a story, don’t mention anyone’s race or ethnicity. If you have to mention it for the point of the story, DON’T TELL THE STORY.* Six years we’ve been working on this.

I know I only have my grade 8, but samsquanch’s plan is (expletive deleted) cherry trees. Now let’s go get some liquor and chicken fingers.

I would go to that church.

Maybe this is too obvious to point out, but City Lights Bookstore is like a mecca, man. No hippie history without the Beats. Also the walk from Haight-Ashbury to the beach through Golden Gate Park is transcendent. Plot your route so that you reach the beach around sunset for the bonfires.

This happened to me at my first job - Subway. The franchise had just opened and hired a mess of high school kids; three weeks in money started to go missing and then the franchise owner started firing whomever he suspected that particular day (also an at will state). When it got to the point that I was the only

I have one: I went into a local restaurant and stood at the hostess table for lunch by myself. My favorite band was on the sound system and I thought this was my lucky day. Someone walked past the stand and said someone else would be with me soon. I waited. Another song by my favorite band came on the sound system,

Someone tell me why restaurant managers, who probably were servers or hosts before they became managers, don't have their employee's backs.

You're right, but this is industry jargon/slang, so just go with it.

It depends on the rules set by the franchise owner. When I worked at a Subway in 1996, a kid wanted hundreds of olives on his foot-long, and I was supposed to give him six and then charge him .50 per each additional six. This did not go over well with his mother. She fumed silently and paid, and I thought that was