
Most people missed that he called Netanyahu “Your Prime Minister...” when he was calling out AMERICAN Jews.

Ironically Hasan is being attacked by a lot of supposedly “liberal” figures on social media for daring to criticize establishment Jewish groups for their double standards regarding how they treat Trump vs Muslims and pro-Palestinian activists. He’s being smeared as an anti-Semite pretty much constantly.

Obama should get Trump’s travel plans and follow him everywhere. Just troll the fuck out of him until the election. Hands down the best plan. I’ll donate to this PAC every payday.

He recognized Israeli sovereignty over the Golan Heights, in blatant violation of international law and consensus. There’s also widespread speculation he’ll give Netanyahu something else big before the elections. A lot of talk about Area C or partial annexation of the settlements. The Trump administration has been

I got blocked by Yair Rosenberg for correctly pointing out major Jewish establishment organizations were far less heated towards Trump’s anti-Semitism than towards even the barest most exaggerated claims of anti-Semitism directed at Muslims. Yair, for those of you who don’t know, is supposedly progressive. AIPAC, AJC,

Isn’t this like, a blatant sign of the Anti-Christ, according to Evangelicals? Or did that only apply when the president was black and gave a speech in front of mock White House columns at the DNC?

It’s easier to just never stop.

Everytime I say to myself I’m at a loss for words to describe my feelings about this irredeemable fool, he does or say something else that leaves me even more speechless than I thought possible. Wow.

I’m going to want to start drinking on a Wednesday, aren’t I?


Since you and your fellow troll brigade always get out of the greys on this topic, I’m just going to nip this early.

Ari Melber also references a lot of hooks to a lot of rap songs ... and not all those songs were performed by the Beastie Boys or Cypress Hill.

And I’m guessing no one in the media is going to call him out on the blatant lie.

There’s always one of you worthless trolls. So opposing the Israeli Occupation makes you “disloyal to other Jews”. What horseshit. Are you angling to be a spokesperson for the far-right parties in Israel? That’s their ideology. 

The Catholic thing is weird because Evangelicals and many other types of protestant denominations fucking HATE Catholicism and Catholics and don’t consider them Christian. 

Here we go. “If you don’t vote for me you are disloyal.” Said every dictator ever.

Honestly? He fucking might.

Does he think all Jewish peoples submit to some "The Highlander" like rules in regard to Israel or some shit? Does he call Catholics out for not defending Vatican City too?

It’s cause she’s brown, and wears a funny hat... but the wrong funny hat.

This won’t get nearly as much play as various bad-faith claims about Omar, Tlaib, and other supposedly “anti-Israel” figures do. AIPAC will wring their hands and do nothing. The AJC will fully support Trump and toss in more Islamophobia. I expect Jake Tapper to find a way to blame this on Palestinians, and much of the