The First Amendment states “Congress shall make no law...” which means there is no federal law at all!
The First Amendment states “Congress shall make no law...” which means there is no federal law at all!
I see you conveniently leave out that whole “well regulated militia” thing. That’s what we now call the National Guard.
Your ellipsis intentionally left out the phrase “well regulated”.
Your idiot murder toys should be melted into scrap and the 2nd amendment is fit for nothing more than toilet paper.
Lying about things that can easily be checked is modern conservatism. He knows his hordes of idiots will believe whatever he says, even if he’s contradicting his past self. It’s collective self-delusion.
Tbf, this was delivered as a fucking POP-UP in their WORK app. A lot probably consented by clicking right through without paying attention. It was targeted for minimum engagement and maximum sleaze.
If your gigantic employer wants something from the government, 99.9% it is going to be bad for you.
“I figured if i signed the petition the annoying message would disappear from the postmates fleet app.”
If someone thinks I’m antisemitic then they’re being disingenuous and I don’t care.
Her grandmother disagreed.
No... it’s not.
This had to be the most sad and painful decision to make in light of recent events... but it is a brave one.
Israel responded by knocking down her grandmother’s neighborhood and shooting another ten kids in the back with butterfly bullets.
It’s been said before, but I’ll say it again... it doesn’t matter if he’s lying. They love that he’s attacking people they don’t like. he and his supporters are so far removed from reality that it doesn’t matter. But at least they have their racist/misogynist/hateful bingo card to fill.
Jay Z has always been about making money for Jay Z, first and foremost. He may do other things occasionally, but at the end of the day, he’ll do what he thinks will make him the most money.
Never forget that Russell Simmons took Jay-Z to Occupy Wall St., only to have Jay Z turn around and make the “Occupy All Streets”…
As one might expect, Michael Harriot says it best, in his open letter to Jay-Z:
I live in Manhattan and you are a fucking idiot.
Isn’t this just flavored water? Am I missing something?
Tomato, for all the various piles of shit you’ve excreted into the ether around here, this has to be one of the dumbest.
It’s not badly-written, to be fair—but god damn, man, the guy struck protesters with a truck. The thing about being in law enforcement (or the military, for that matter) is that members are held to a…