It’s honestly galling to me to see people like Mitch McConnell terrified that minorities are going to treat white people like white people have treated minorities.
It’s honestly galling to me to see people like Mitch McConnell terrified that minorities are going to treat white people like white people have treated minorities.
Voter suppression and outright election fraud in conjunction with gerrymandering is the only way the republican minority can maintain their tyranny. This was obvious after Bush and the right wing Supreme Court stole the 2000 election and Democratic Party leadership should have been fighting it tooth and nail then.
Nobody in Congress gives one rats ass about what Ivanka thinks. She’s just playing politics here for vanity.
I just assume the Theranos lady is at it again
My confidence in bold claims is inversely proportional to the number of typos in the presentation.
“5 people fired”
Fuck Fox News. Fuck Tucker "Bow-Tie Douchebag" Carlson. Hopefully his kids and grandkids will disown his miserable ass when the history books are written and they talk about the propaganda of the time.
No, that’s a bitch move.
when is somebody gonna do something about that white culture?
Chiropractors are just like actual doctors... except not
My ignition switch broke recently and I couldn’t turn off the engine.
If we HAVE to stand for a specific song, and HAVE to put our hands on our hearts or risk getting jacked are we really free?
I mean, yeah. It’s tomatoface. It’s all trolling channel, all the trolling time. This is his sad little hobby.
Fuck payday loan grifters. No one should give this asshole a single cent.
Tomato Face makes fart noises with his mouuuuuuth
Hi tomato.
I think you just waste Conway’s time. Have her on stand by and not get to her until the end, play your clips of Trump being Terrible, ask the question, wait for the first word to leave her mouth, cut the feed, and then discuss why she’s just a liar and we don’t in fact need to talk to her.
“Catching crims and locking them up....