His family doesn’t owe anyone other than Michael Schumacher anything. If they feel that keeping his status in the family is the right thing to do, more power to them.
His family doesn’t owe anyone other than Michael Schumacher anything. If they feel that keeping his status in the family is the right thing to do, more power to them.
They don’t even try to cover up their filthy lies and shameless hypocrisy. I really want to see the republican party destroyed in my lifetime and its leaders imprisoned for all of their crimes. Some of which are, I am sure, described in Ivanka’s emails.
Yes and no. The intent of the policy (and it's policy, not law) was to prevent frivolous lawsuits against the president that would distract or prevent him from fulfilling his duties. I believe some of the thought was, if the president was committing crimes, he'd be impeached, then could be charged. I don't know that…
Feels like high-end hotels charging for wifi when every crappy value hotel includes it free.
Maxima and Altima have overlapped since the 2002 Altima refresh. It hasn’t made sense in a long time.
People think she can’t be racist because she’s Chinese? Tell that to the Chinese government locking up Uyghurs.
They're creating MS-14 as we speak.
The Born Agains, Premillenium Dispensationalists anyhow, think that the existence of the state of Israel means that that Jesus is coming back any day now to drown the disbelievers in a lake of fire and usher in a 1000 year reign of peace.
I’ll never understand the right’s weird obsession with Israel.
They’ll only really start to feel abandoned if the foreign aid checks stop coming.
Aside from the obvious observations (that he’s racist as fuck, and trying to draw attention from something else like his ties to Epstein), he sure did mention Israel a lot.
Honestly. Her plans are progressive and reasonable, specifically address problems people are facing, and are economically sound given her background.
I don’t understand why she’s lagging. I get it, but don’t understand why people aren’t more attracted to her ideas. It seems sick burns are what people like.
Yeah, tell me how conservatives don’t try to control people. Really, I need a laugh today.
Congressional Republicans and Democrats have issued a joint statement condemning Florida’s anti-Semitism for their criticism of Israel.
239? Bullshit. That guy easily tops 300. That’s a 50+ inch waist.
Let’s deport Frau Ingraham to Nuremberg.
Sorrell is accused of driving next to the couple for more than 20 blocks (seriously, that shit is frightening)