
I attended a presentation by their chief engineer recently. The obstacles this company faces are huge.
How do you maintain vacuum system integrity, cost-effectively, in a system this size. Any here had the joy of chasing vacuum leaks?
How do you ensure human safety in a vacuum environment?
How do you suppress


Actually I absolutely do! I think you forgot what website you’re commenting on. We are this weird cult called “gearheads” and we actually like cars. Especially weird, broken ones.

Those neighbors are awfully righteous for people whose fences are made out of dildos.

“Drones outfitted with machine guns and grenades...will save lives.”

Millions of Americans from doctors to waste collectors went in to work yesterday. #thanksrealworld

Does this guy have anything better to do with his life?

This is absolutely disgusting, the medical examiners should fucking pay for the damages incurred by this man. Guy loses his daughter by sheer accident, is labeled a child molester/killer and is charged for these crimes. HOW THE FUCK CAN YOU GET THAT WRONG?!?!?

And somehow, this idiot who created his burner this afternoon for the sole purpose of trolling this thread has actually been un-grayed in some of the subthreads.

No friends or places to go this weekend? Isn’t is nice to know that you can always troll around liberal news blogs and alienate yourself further?

Anniegotguns is feeling bot bot bot. Every post in history is irrationally hostile and prejudiced towards Muslims and feminists. Also they are so so bored! Please dismiss this troll account.

“You people” lol, your kind’s go to phrase.

Shame we didn’t keep the likes of you and whover spawned you from entering, we would be a lot better off now.

My roots in this country go back over 300 years, I never thought I would be this fucking disgusted with America and so truly ashamed of this country.

This is insane, this is actually insane! How can anyone still stand by this man’s administration? The President of the United States has just blackmailed two morning show hosts by using his tabloid connections to harass them and their children unless they call and beg forgiveness for their critical coverage of him. I

I really do not understand why mainstream / liberal networks continue to bend over backwards to court conservatives. Between this hot garbage and CNN continuing to place the most ludicrous conservative voices on Anderson Cooper 360... I hate to look at “trusted” news anymore.

Yeah, but with like 10% less cash than he had on him before.

He’ll respawn at the hospital in a few anyway.

Free him now