I would have went into the audience and fucked up whoever did that. Someone has to teach these dweebs that go to these things manners lol
I would have went into the audience and fucked up whoever did that. Someone has to teach these dweebs that go to these things manners lol
And this is the guy you neo libs wanted to run for president. NO THANK YOU
9 PM PST actually... and 9 PM EST
Stupid as fuuuuck. Shows you how fucked up people's priorities are. I guess this makes them believe they're good people... they aren't
This game is boring as shit...
Yeah, I am no longer wishing for multiplayer in ANY Bethesda games. It's ok guys, just stick to single player LOL ;)
Or fun perhaps?
Trash Fantasy 15...
Naw B, the UBI is useful, but it doesn’t address large systemic issues. Yang SUCKS economic issues.
And 20% of Hillary supporters voted for McCain after Obama defeated her. Why do we keep leaving out that FACT????
20% of Hillary Clinton supporters voted for John McCain after she lost the primary to Barack Obama. TWENTY PERCENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Are you fucking kidding me! That is 1 out of 5 Hillary supporters!
Only 22% compared to the 20% that voted for McCain after Clinton lost in 2008. Hilbots need to stop it.
20% of Hillary Supporters voted for John McCain after she lost to Barack Obama in 2008. 12% of Bernie supporters voted for Donald Trump in 2016 after he lost the primary to Clinton. Do you notice something wrong with your bullshit narrative that significant amount of Bernie voters voted for Trump???
Sooooooooooooo dumb
Nah, I don’t paint my face white when I dress up as a character who is portrayed as white... unless it’s a clown like the Joker. White people just need to do what black people do: Be the black version of a white character.
Baby boomers like Pelosi act like they're going to be alive forever. She WILL NOT cede the future the future generation and Fienstein, who is 85 and who is about to die, is the exact same way. We will win because, Bob willing, I will still be here in 15 years, these dinosaurs will not.
Why the fuck would you be able to customize your own character retard? This is a Star Wars game told in the same vein as The Force Unleashed meaning this is a character IN the Universe YOU are playing as.... retard. Jesus Christ there's a lot of dumb comments. This isnt a fucking rpg.
I'm not interested at all until I see some gameplay and by single player game do we mean in the same vein as Bioshock? If so, hard pass....
Lol @ the title.
Zero interest