
You suck

Hmmmm it does look like a Pixar movie.... and I like it.

Why dont you look up pictures of the "Rape of Nanking" to answer the question for yourself. 

*Losea weight LOL. That ain't "buff" dweeb.

 pretty stupid take.... my God people in this country are uneducated. Measles isnt a public health emergency???? Really Dude???? Before the vaccine, and even now, one of the main causes if death time children was the MEASLES. Shhhh no more speaking from you.

Interesting things with jrpgs lately? Like what? Being shitty. Final Fantasy 15 sucked, Octopath was Meh, the game where you restore the world and it’s an old school jrpg was also meh. Square-enix has not put out anything “interesting” since Nier: Automata... In fact, they’ve been putting out complete shit like “The

Good, can he go back to Namco-Bandai and show them how to make Tales games again?

I just don’t understand how teenagers went along with all of this. Obviously something was up, but I guess we’ll never know.

Asian dudes so petty...

Tall that to Fromsoft who doesn't give a fuck retard .. which is why they keep making "hard" games


You're a bitch LOL. Too hard so we cheat? What character you have.

Shut the fuck up

Shut the fuck up. Play the game how it is meant to be played, or dont play it at all. Accessibility kills franchises.

That looks like a fleshlight.....

It’s too late. Sorry Bethesda. Elder scrolls 6 is going to be awesome though lol

Where is this supposed to take place with regard to the timeline?

Not really, and since boys are the prime target demographic for comic books and even comic book movies, I wouldn’t call the natural culture that emerged out of this a “boy’s club”... especially when the boys, who are now men, are directly responsible for this comic industry, that is now being capitalized upon, to have

I wish I hadn’t had the procedure done or had it done in a way that left the foreskin intact while cutting out excess foreskin that people dont seem to like. Chopping off the foreskin reduces the sensitivity of the head of the penis leading to less condom usage and more pregnancies.. especially in communities where we

Why is your son looking at the dicks of his friends. I didn’t see another man’s penis until I was 18 year old in the Navy in Bootcamp LOL. You should have told him that while all his friends are circumcised, most of the world is not.