Invisible Bully

As DragonFlyJonez put it he acted like he wanted a resolution but came looking for a problem. When he got the resolution he acted like he still wanted the problem but acted like a sucker and walked off. No I’m not saying he should’ve fought them niggas (even tho I think Mero would’ve snuffed him), but if you’re gonna

I’m not mature enough for this discussion

These trolls are really bad at this

“I’m in utter disbelief at what just happened. I didn’t think there was anything controversial about this resolution.”

The moral hand-wringing happens with The Breakfast Club too, we know they’re trash but sometimes funny is funny.

I heard they have a great relocation program for qualified applicants

The lightskinned community gotta excommunicate this clown, this waffle colored negro just reaffirms every damn stereotype each time he opens his mouth. I guarantee he rehearsed that tough guy act before they came on the show. And the nerve of embarrassing your woman in public and getting mad when the jokes start

This is very much needed, I was just talking to my daught last week about Ella Baker.

then this today

A distraction LOL! that’s funny. Race encompasses everything that happens here so it can’t be a distraction to call something a thing when it’s actually there. This is the same argument people have about “being divisive” when mentioning that 53% of eligible white women voting for Trump. People need to see the

It’s called comparing and contrasting and what he’s talking about is the reaction, not the call for gun control. The two don’t have to be exactly the same to notice the difference, that is unless the notion of race makes you uncomfortable.

thief lol!

Why the objection to noticing that this same solidarity wasn’t extended over the last 5 years when teenage black kids were killed by police? Or how white women went out and marched for Women’s Rights while emploring the mothers of those black children to join them while not doing the same themselves? It’s a wonderful

I’d just dismiss it at this point, I think everyone can get what it is that you’re saying. I can’t tell if they’re just dense or trolling.

“They call it an epidemic now. That means white folks are doing it. Y’all remember? Y’all used to drive through our neighborhoods and shit and go, ‘Oh, look at that. Isn’t that terrible. Then you’d get home, right, and your 14-year-old’d be fucked up, and you’d go, ‘OH MY GOD! IT’S AN EPIDEMIC!’ Maybe next time you

Yet it’s amazing how there are so many people that frequent this site that only one person managed to get butt hurt over this. Sensitive ass 

No I didn’t honestly expect someone to get their drawers in a bunch over an obvious overly sarcastic tongue-in-cheek joke. God you’re sensitive.

Simmer down tough guy

well done