So are these “school marshalls” gonna have to supply the firearms and ammunition like they do with other classroom supplies? :/
So are these “school marshalls” gonna have to supply the firearms and ammunition like they do with other classroom supplies? :/
you gotta be real good and racist to get pissed at someone when you don’t even know what they look like
*pans to live look at Chris “Chro-mo”*
I have nothing to add, I’m just here to be nosey
I grew up in Memphis, the suburbs, and know exactly what you mean. It was different being at home versus my cousins’ neighborhoods in Whitehaven and Orange Mound. I was never in fear of my own safety but awareness of the environment I was it was always there.
North Carolina lost the NBA All Star Game and other future businesses over a damn bathroom so this lines right up with the rest of the region.
Georgia: we don’t give a damn about kids or anyone else being murdered
Sounds like a colonizer
Honorable mentions usually heard from other black folks:
Fuck that nigga and those like him forever
Fuck that nigga and those like him forever
This should be fun
I knew about the MRA clowns and Sovereign Citizens but I’ve never heard of these groups before.
Speaking of race, it’s mighty ironic for Wal-Mart of all places to have a “come to Jesus” moment since John Crawford was killed by police IN THEIR STORE while holding one of those airsoft rifles.
The thing I hate about being a cynic is thinking about what could go wrong. Honestly I wouldn’t put it past one of these wack jobs to shoot up a Dick’s or Wal-Mart corporate office behind this decision.
Full disclosure, I cracked up from the header alone
*coming up next on Hannity, should recess be used for combat skills and small arms training?*
m’scuse me?
ok that hurt