God tier comment...take you’re goddamn star
God tier comment...take you’re goddamn star
Can’t wait for the calls for a good teacher with a gun...I hate this place
It’s cute when people don’t know the difference between the two
Sure does...and these pro gun nuts must’ve forgot that they support the same troops that’ve been bombing the ever loving shit out of the Middle East for the last 25+ years. All the weaponry their grubby lil hands can hold mean nothing compared to the Department of Defense.
Like the young man from Charlotte told y’all 2 years ago, “white lives don’t matter”.
“Some of my best friends are from Bama.”
other gtfoh???
“Their version of vibranium is the unlimited wealth that white privilege affords, black lives are their national enemy, and their Dora Milaje is made of gun-toting social studies teachers and cops who shoot black people in the face.”
This comment is so dumb that it doesn’t even require a “reasonable” response
“And for the first time, I begin to understand that there are many Trump supporters who are not tobacco-chewing redneck idiots; they are victims of propagandists fueling their confirmation bias.”
Erik Killmonger is a militant hotep’s wet dream. His pain is that of ever black American that yearns to know their roots except he knows his and knows he wouldn’t be accepted. Not to mention his uncle killed his treasonous daddy, all three of them fools were wrong and that’s the difference between them and Nakia.
Every time these things happen I think back to Columbine, that was my senior year of high school. The next day we had metal detectors at the school since someone called a bomb threat into the school the day of the shooting. That was 18 years ago, this country has started wars abround and on it’s own citizens because…
take your goddamn star
I like how Charles C.W. Cooke tried citing an example of Obama talking about habeous corpus and our Anglo American legal system all the while completely neglecting context.
Welp...at least the little elf didn’t lie or say he didn’t remember this time.
That’s rich. So in your estimate it wouldn’t matter what it was that they did, just so long as she kept a roof over their head. I already knew what your angle was before you started. Nowhere in there did I say anything about “controlling her behavior”, I said tell her beforehand or have someone else at the table when…
Yeah they love Martin...until they listen to anything else he said other than “I have a dream...”
Only if it was consensual? And why are you talking about abuse? This was literally about not shaming men for being gay or bi.