How about you read what it was that I said *IF* you know your mom is going to react that way let her know beforehand or don’t have her there with you. The only ridiculous statement is cosigning embarrassing a kid because you’re the parent, FOH.
How about you read what it was that I said *IF* you know your mom is going to react that way let her know beforehand or don’t have her there with you. The only ridiculous statement is cosigning embarrassing a kid because you’re the parent, FOH.
I hate National Signing Day with a passion, everything from the over the top speculation of where a kid is going to play football, idiotic fans that never attended the school or not talented enough to play harrassing these boys, the NCAA exploiting their talent for billions of dollars that the players will never see…
Richard’s entire catalogue of comedy is predicated on making light of his real life experiences, being a base head, talking about racism, and of course speculated homosexuality. This is the same guy that joked about getting high and sucking a dick, but in his own words “that doesn’t necessarily make him gay”. My god…
ding ding ding
“If he would’ve complied...”
I watched it and loved every minute of the game. I applaud everyone that didn’t watch this year...I just wasn’t going to be one of them.
Quincy just might be the messiest of messy bitches
If you didn’t use the lyrics to “Make Tha Trap Say Aye” as a lesson plane it ain’t real
I’ll see you in hell...take your damn star
And this assumption that it’s been about making the same amount as Chappelle or Schumer is completely missing the point. No one in their right mind, not even Monique, said she should have been offered as much as those two. The demand for Chappelle warranted the money he ultimately signed for. But you’re going to try…
Owen seems like that dude that doesn’t know how to let his friends fight their own battles. You’re a grown ass man trying to jump into a fight between two other people that verbally shot the fair one (so to speak). But people are going to let his slide because they can’t stand Mo’ *whispers* and they hate black women.…
Sometimes I wonder if they just speak loudly to see if anyone will run with the story. Not that I don’t put it past them but my god could this not look any more like the Red Square?
Well that’s two heads of the hotep hydra to be addressed, next up Tariq Nasheed.
Dudes talk all the time about being protectors, providers, and you have one. Rest easy, salute!
Thankfully he’s free...but this story still makes me feel like shit.
People don’t like her and that’s really all there is to it, they have a problem with the messenger because she’s looking out for self...which is a problem because, hell I don’t know you’d have to let me know first. Her intentions may not be altruistic like Kaepernick or Bree Newsome, but it may have paved the way for…
These threads look like the comment’s section of a local news Facebook cage after a black kid gets killed...who recommended these anyway??
I love Michael’s writing, but between talking about them being white and nothing about guys like this racist piece of shit feeling like they own their female family members I feel like an opportunity was missed.