
Absolutely. Didn’t mean to undermine that point. 

I’m sure he was shocked by what he saw. He still completely failed in the moment. Just because we understand or sympathize with his cowardice doesn’t mean it should be forgiven.

I’m not convinced of Ziegler’s ultimate conclusion—that Sandusky is innocent. But I do agree with him that the case is much more ambiguous and unusual than the conventional press accounts suggest.

60% of the time it works every time. 

This is an amazing point. No one asked Sandusky if he was fucking a kid in the shower. McQueary was the only person to say anything and the only person who could have been telling the truth. 

You give McQuery a lot of credit here. It’s just as likely he was a selfish coward or a terrible person who valued his own interests more than that of a victim of sexual abuse. I’m glad he ultimately told the truth, but he clearly failed in the moment. 

I agree that Brady’s comments may not be as bad as they sound. Certainly, Brady can sympathize with a man who has made bad choices while also being appalled at his behavior. The problem is that Brady vomited up a word salad to avoid saying what he really means. It’s just not worth parsing this shit to try and

The only thing I hate about the Sox is their ability to pull starting pitchers out of their ass every couple years or so.

It seems like when Theo/Jed think they have a chance to win, they don’t trade players on the roster unless they’re making the team on the field better. Even then, they seem to hold onto guys until they’ve given up on the player (Castro, Montgomery, Edwards). 

When I get down about the Cubs, I try to think of the good times.

Careful, those griddles can be dangerous.

Char dogs are absolutely the way to go, but steamed dogs are good too.

If this is a hot dog focused trip, I would just add that you should mix it up between steam dogs and char dogs. 

+1 premier league point for a draw

Yeah, but all those QBs from before the rookie wage scale are in the top 10, aren’t they? Eli’s first year (maybe 2) paid as much as Brady’s first 4-5 years. 

On the plus side, this increases the chances that if one of them gets hit by a bus the other also gets hit by a bus. 

It wouldn’t change him, but at least someone would have gotten in their shots. 

It wouldn’t change him, but at least someone would have gotten in their shots. 

- Semen Lab Burns Onan On To the Break of Dawn 

I’m not sure about the fancier versions, but most of the Totos I’ve seen/used have this weird thing where you often end up with a small skid mark right above the drain. I can’t be alone in noticing this as I’ve had at least two different people confirm the same phenomenon. Never had to clean a toilet so often in my