Honestly I would be extremely happy with Mando being more like SNG / Kung Fu / X-Files, etc. as long as the seasons were 20-22 episodes.
Honestly I would be extremely happy with Mando being more like SNG / Kung Fu / X-Files, etc. as long as the seasons were 20-22 episodes.
I agree, but give it time. This court is primed to issue the next Dredd Scott decision.
Sorry, but delayed expansion would just be a peak Obama move. Let’s try to reform the judiciary but only in a way that won’t benefit anyone for 5-10 years while also ensuring that the GOP will spend that entire time riling up the kooky billionaires. Then, but the time the reforms come online, the GOP will have figured…
Are you drawing a distinction between people who vote for Trump and full blown maga hatters? If that’s the case, sure. They’re still voting for Trump most of the time.
Between religion and taxes I don’t think it’s wild to assume he’s a Trumper.
The only race Chris Christie is capable of winning.
Let’s not leave Paul Ryan off any list of hypocrites when he collected government benefits for years following the death of his father (rightly so) and then worked to cut any federal programs to help people in need.
I’m sorry, why are we talking shit about Ladies Man?
Agreed. It will be shitty if they never step foot in prison.
We can’t have a society where you just bribe a third party to boost your idiot kid’s resume. You have to bribe the school directly. Otherwise how will these universities survive?
Maybe. It will still be a while before the sentencing order is entered. It’s not like they were ever going to do hard time.
I don’t know why Gaiman left or why he went to the UK, but I would want to return home at some point. Now might be a better time to travel. Things are largely locked down and I’m guessing the plane and airport were pretty empty.
I’m not sure why they need to stay in New Zealand at this point though. Neither of them live there, and I thought they were only there because she was on tour.
That statement is probably true about most celebrities to some degree, but yeah, there’s definitely something a bit off. The biggest red flag I saw was his marriage to Amanda Palmer.
If I can speak out of my ass a bit, dairy has always been a heavily subsidized industry that needed a lot of government support to survive, in part because the government wanted to ensure that people everywhere could get milk at a low cost. The US government normally spends billions, and Canada takes extraordinary…
Lemon creme oreos all day.
I forgot to copy you on the memo that Jimmy’s hands turned to stone a few years ago. My bad.
If I can add onto this, the Astros, and the same GM, also helped the federal government put Chris Correa in prison for almost 4 years. They almost certainly told the government that the guy caused them $1.5M in damages, which is utterly bullshit. I hate the Cardinals, and while I would not object to the complete and…
I’m positive I’ve hated the Astros going back to their national league days. As with most grudges extending more than a decade, I can no longer articulate where this comes from. The Nationals can eat a bag of dicks for any number of reasons.
Man, you and I are just strangers in the night.