
I once had a bartender demand the full price of the comped drinks as a tip. She knocked a bunch off the bill, we tipped as if it was full price plus a decent amount extra for the comps, and she came to us and argued that we needed to tip her the full difference in price. From her perspective, she was comping us her tip

It’s like watching a new parent immediately do everything bad their own parents did, but somehow worse.

Come on. This all but guarantees the next Cowboys head coach will call a pass play on 3rd and goal from the 2 in the 2021 Super Bowl.

Big deal? Getting annoyed at the internet is one of the few things I manage to accomplish on a daily basis, and how dare you try to take this away from me.

I have zero problems with a female kicker, but Guapo’s larger point, that this is a fake thing that doesn’t deserve much attention, is fairly strong. Then again, I thought Mayweather / McGregor was fake so what do I know?

Lol. Your comments ain’t exactly undermining any argument for taking away people’s guns.

The worst food is your favorite food, because puking ruins any food for a while.

Irsay is a demented goober but I don’t really see how he’s a bad owner. Granted, Grigson is a big fucking strike against him, but I assume he didn’t hire the guy on his own. He doesn’t seem to mind spending money on players and coaches. I think the only time I recall him interfering with the team was to tell Grigson

Have a heart and let them accept tips.

Are we sure Luck is really retiring? I heard the Colts just brought Mateen Cleaves onto the coaching staff to see what he can do.

Absolutely. If you can get sweet corn from a good farm stand it’s usually only a quarter an ear so you can always pick up extra.

I used this recipe for stock last week and used it in a sweet corn and salmon chowder. (I was just going to use regular stock at first.) It was amazing.

That’s nice, but I’m guessing this was something they negotiated in advance. If Irsay were a dick about it Luck could have stayed on the team and either sat out or gone on IR. This way they get cap space. There’s also a decent chance I don’t have any idea what I’m talking about.

I, for one, am surprised to disover the Colts and the Bears are much more alike than I expected going in to this season.

Oddly enough I suspect Grigson did his part to keep his local Applebees in business.

Non-ADA compliant.

What do you like least about Deadspin?

Doesn’t calling it projection give them too much credit? It assume they’re driven by a sense of shame when they have no shame. People like Verlander don’t secretly despise themselves; they honestly believe that they’re above criticism because they are better / richer / whiter than other people.

I don’t think he’s a fake person, just that he doesn’t know what to do. He clearly doesn’t know how to pick a kicker. Either put that on Pace or put it on your special teams coach. Instead he’s making Mack and Hicks watch the double doink for some reason.

This is not doing anything to ease my suspicion that Matt Nagy does a decent imitation of a football coach without actually knowing what a football coach does.