
I haven’t followed your parenting journey, I simply read this post and found it very “sancti-mommy.” My kids aren’t like those other needy clingy kids...

Or you could recognize that all kids are different and it’s not necessarily a byproduct of parenting. I have two kids who could not be more different despite coming from the same gene pool and living in the same environment. My 3 year old daughter can entertain herself for hours and need nothing from anyone, while my

Shit, my husband had a lesbian for a science teacher. Who was fired, and brought back because the parents protested. In a small factory town in Minnesota. Where evolution was taught.

My religion teacher, Father Julian, was an archaeologist who was an expert in the occult. I kid you not, he loved it. He was one of the coolest monks you could ever meet. The Catholic schools I attended took the education part seriously, evolution and all.

Yeah, from the description this didn’t sound like any Catholic schools my friends went to growing up. That being said, I’m from California, not Florida, and I’m most familiar with Jesuit education which is its own brand of Catholicism.

I went to a few Catholic schools and in some we went to church once a week and had religious classes. It was never as Jesusy as this.

I saw Nick Viall walking down the street in Chicago about 3 years ago. Here are the stages of being a dude and recognizing somebody from The Bachelor(ette) on the street:

I love how the bald guy recognized him, but couldn’t warn the one doing the talking before he pulled his shady ass “I know more than you think I know” bullshit.

Or, and I’m just thinking out loud here...what if they spent some money to train their police officers to stop harassing people weren’t a threat to anyone? I know it’s a crazy concept, but I think it just might work.

A traitor to the country is a Great American according to Mississippi.

In the South a traitor is considered a Great American.

You missed one part. If a Republican man wants a woman to have an abortion it’s perfectly okay. They do not want Democrats of either gender to have options regarding abortion. Only the male (and white) GOP’er is allowed to dictate when an abortion can occur.