
Shorten every glitch clip by about 20%. I don’t need to see it happen for 30 seconds straight to know what is going on.

Personally, after playing 5, I found 4 to be the better game. The only thing 5 had going for it over 4 was graphics and more vehicles.

I like USS Texas. It hearkens back to the original COD’s Ship map. Missing some of the verticality but I still like it. Gustav Cannon is pure crap though. On the whole I love the maps, perfect slice of arcadey routes for maximum run and gun.

I play ARMS with motion and it’s really invigorating to play a game standing.

I remember reading that they were made aware of the “bug” but left it in because they found it similar to how astronauts bound around the moon.

Good. Drive your car. Don’t kill someone because you were talking to your internet patrons.

Quantum Break was a neat idea. It looked great, but played so-so. An awful lot of walking around waiting for an NPC to finish their lines to trigger the next cool firefight. It’s worth getting for $25. I stopped being able to follow the live cutscences after about two hours.

Oh I completely understand. I only put mine in my backpack to tote on the short train ride from my apartment to work. Right now its either shell out $80 for some weird leather and nylon hybrid (that still snags the sticks) or deal with ugly all black plastic monstrosities.

I have the PDP case and it is perfectly serviceable for the $15 I paid for it. It too suffers from the same issue the author described of their $80 case; the joycon stick gets caught when pulling the system out.

I haven’t touched online since the heists, is it still a huge pain in the ass to drag a group in and out of various lobbies?

It’s not more entertaining. It’s the same concept, even down to the same tags and thumb nail. I don’t really look into Tube drama because I’m not 15 but this would make me upset.

The BF1 sniper shots never impress me. At any given moment there are 10 better BF-moments to observe. Some dude camped at the ass end of the map with a bi-pod getting one kill is not impressive. Fair play if they hit a moving target but counter-sniping some tool that is at the other end of the map isn’t some godly

Over the summer I’d get 4-10 tags on my 15 minute  train ride to work. Usually the same 5 or so people. As of November I haven’t seen any of them. I keep bringing my 3ds in hope of getting to meet them again. Once, someone actually requested that I change my Mii’s outfit to a certain color so they could clear a room

You guys smell that? What is that smell? I’m not the only one, right?

Did you guys not read the article? It’s not justthe mechanics but the dressing. How the game is packaged, presented, and sold. Good lord, read before you start an internet slap-fight.

But will it have the cheats that you obtained from finding the intel? I want slow-mo, damnit.