
Three of those songs were cut from the movie, however

Belle's dad used to sing "Prowlin" to the cat.

I sometimes use Zmed's line "Well I love them all" from that song. Just 'cause

my significant other. I refer to her as Belle on here

So tonight I ma making a recipe I discovered a few weeks ago. I sauté asparagus and cherry tomatoes in olive oil. Then I sauté shrimp with Old Bay, olive oil and lemon juice. I serve that over pasta and rumble goat cheese

So the other day I bought more muslin but I didn't get to make the new mock up. Then Belle was looking at the Budrick patterns which were having a $2 sale and she found two in the wedding category that might work, so she bought them. When they come there is one that I want to try out on her that looks promising. I

Behind the Felt

Teddy found it on his Amazon trip

I will say this. I made a version of this not too long ago at Belle's request. I was skeptical and prepared for it to be awful, but it was pretty damn good. I'm generally a traditional sauce kind of guy, but I really liked it. I think that I am going to make it the next time I grill chicken wings.

Leslie Moonves just comes on your screen. "Sorry about that folks. Anyways, here's Johnny Lee Miller. He solves crimes by paying attention…"

*adds to Netflix list*

She's quit better jobs than this

The rugs that brought the room together?

No, that's Hodor

Okay, but at 44 can I still go into a bar, sit down gruffly and tell the barkeep to "leave the bottle"?

You leave the Hound out of this

Yep, that's how they roll


It takes six people to properly run it. And some them did not have penii

I think the only thing the Doctor can't be is American. Beside that, anything goes.

I'm currently rewatching Broadchurch so I can get a feel for the new one

The history books will now talk about how the defoliant Agent Diabeetus was used during the Vietnam War