
I've been doing musical theatre for over 30 years. Come follow me, I'll show you where it is

I think in the comics Bruce bought Clark and Lois their apartment in Metropolis as a wedding gift

"The Psyche-Magnetron. When you absolutely, positively have to rearrange your DNA structure with a blue freaky alien."

I can't I am riddled with ennui

In that case I totally know what this is! Hoo boy, do I! I am all over that Sound Cloud!

Does it make me old if I don't know what this is?

Someone pointed out that Bill and Fluer's daughter is Victorie. After fighting a war, you have different priorities

I concur.

So we can get a charge out of it!

The head of HR was checking out my package the other day. Does that count?

I know some people are saying that it's quick. But we're not in their hearts or their minds and we can't know his process or what he's feeling.

She knew how to pick 'em, huh?

You know, I hear that when guys come out of a coma, the first thing they do is grab their junk. I know I would. He could also have been telling the oncoming lava exactly what it can go do

Man that sucks. Good luck. I'm sure you'll land on your feet

Back door, huh? Good idea.

… well now everything makes sense

*slow clap*

Can I do it all sexy like Sydney in Tale of Two Cities?

Mayor McCheese was behind it all the whole time

I think I want to see this now