
Sal Mineo's character was supposed to be gay in Rebel Without a Cause but they had just hint and suggest it rather than come out and say it, but there are hints throughout the film

Good call! I saw that years ago

I remember in high school this one girl would always consistently audition with Bette Midler's "The Rose," and she used to scoop that first "Love" so bad (she started in the basement and slid up until she found the note. See Swift, Taylor: "Last Christmas") that it drove me nuts, but sure enough every audition was

Neither Louis nor Buckingham wasn't doing it for her. (I think in either the novels or movies she boinked d'Artagnan, but I think that might have been invented for the Leo Man in the Iron mask movie)

Dude! Smokey is right there and he can hear you!


Nate grew on me really quickly. I thought he was a fun addition to the cast

Sara has a thing for famous queens. Anne of Austria, Guinevere…

She had the Magento's helmet of hair

That's the problem, finding the needles in the chain of haystacks

When I look at the menu for his version of Planet Hollywood at Disney World I just wonder if one of his goals was to see how much food they can throw away. The portions are huge and the deserts are so over the top that no one can finish them

I watched the first season, but didn't see the second- is it on Netflix?

It may be legal, but it's not right.

No, don't turn this around. Being drunk is no excuse to rape someone, they'll throw the book at you no matter how drunk you are. You get drunk and kill someone you'll still get thrown in jail. I'm not going to debate this shit with you. If you can't handle your liquor then you don't drink.

That only works for honkies

"She didn't seem drunk to me" holds about as much weight as "Well she looked eighteen."

Did they learn nothing from WKRP in Cincinnati?

I was surprised when re-watching Friends recently how many Gay Panic jokes they had.

Like a quick hot sear on each side. That's a job for a nice cast iron skillet!

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