Disney World can stay
Disney World can stay
Been done before, but this time no Eva Greene
I don't know. I'm sure the Wallendas will still be in the public eye
Thank you. my girlfriend works there
Sarasota has long been the winter home of the circus, so it's been quite the week down here
Break a leg!
That reminds me of the time I… never mind
The problems with that film had nothing to do with Tom Hardy
No, there has to be a deterrent. If people get off lightly for this kind of thing they won't take it seriously
maybe… maybe that's for the best
Can we mention Star Trek: Nemesis?
Hire this man!
Even ESPN didn't fire this many people.
Well that's what happens when you let a guy like me near the teleprompter. I can make them say anything!
People be tasty then.
I always spell that wrong
Yes, but how do I get home?
I think they need to settle this the old-fashioned way:
In the Thunderdome.
Unless of course we're beyond that.
And it's one of those things that when anyone is an isolated location for a long time, their sexuality is going to be closely related to that situation. So you have to wonder about fictional situations. The castaways from Gillian's Island probably got it on. Swiss family Robinson probably had a little Blue Lagoon…