
I'm only seeing two episodes, did he watch any more and I'm just not seeing it?

6. Juliet! And Juliet's boobs as well!

As long as they have lingonberries, the Swedes are okay by me!

Well that's just it, it's for the next generation. My nephew turned five last week and I got him a Lego Star Wars set, and he loved it. He took it to bed with him and every morning he was playing with it. All my friends' sons who are that age love love love Kylo Ren. The original movie came out when I was four and I…

I wish I could give this a hundred upvotes

He reclaimed Vader from the Dark Side without succumbing to the Dark Side himself, by refusing to kill his own father and face the Emperor unarmed.

Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! That is too far, man!

The first 2/3 of the film could have been a legitimate movie. You know, something that you could see on TCM, and then it just goes nuts when the stop motion lizard happens

It seemed that they were using old fashioned stage magic rather than special effects

You can really make an informed opinion after only fifteen minutes of course.

Just finished "Avalanche" and noticed that Gypsy quoted a line from Gypsy. The "Life is a banquet…" line.

Oh, a Dr. Horrible mini-reunion!

I liked that raccoon better than him!

Yeah, but he was just acting. That raccoon seemed scared! :(

That guy looked like he was really hurting that raccoon!

Seriously, that was upsetting!

"I hate stairs!"
The Borders joke hit a little close to home.


But I want it nooooooooooooooooow!

Look, he said to fly casually!

2019! 2019! How the fuck am I supposed to wait two more years? I'm dying here!