
No way. She would have destroyed him had she told him to BTFU no matter how much his Trumpets blared. It would have jostled the memory of many a republican woman who felt sick to her stomach at either outcome. My mother being one of them. She would have voted for Hillary, but thought she was too weak. Never angry

I’ve had Men LITERALLY breath down my back and while I understand the sentiment, that was not it on that stage. That shit is normally on a subway. We have all been leered at and followed and had our personal space invaded upon, but let’s be literal about the word literal. More “not my fault” crap from an over-cocky

I am half Swedish and quite frankly, no journalist of any color should be legitimizing these hate groups per my experience back home. I urge you all to study the rise of the Sweden Democrats in my Mother’s native Sweden. We in Sweden, despite being seen by many Americans as being a progressive pantheon of universal