
I work in an office and can say that the cute outfits thing gets old after a month and then everything becomes about remaining sane and not engaging with office politics

My kiddo’s school has an entire week dedicated to computer safety. I asked at the community council meeting if they were addressing online harassment, because the entire description seems to focus on porn and websites with “swears.” They talk about it— as a secondary. I hate this conservative state and its focus on

I love the “Marathon, don’t sprint” comment, because, honestly, that’s my biggest fear.

That, eventually, people will get tired of protesting and just accept things to be the way they are for the next 2, 4, or (god forbid) 8 years.

I think you made this all up. I refuse to believe politics can still be charming ;-)

The irony here is so delicious this post could almost be considered Foodspin.

What an idiot. Donald Trump didn’t want her to commit voter fraud. He wanted her to stand silently outside a polling place in a liberal-leaning area with a gun.

Is it horrible and reprehensible that I immediately went to ‘false flag’ on this?

Kanye new Deraliq line?

Somewhere in a forgotten attic in the Hollywood Hills, there is a portrait of her rapidly aging.

Hey, Bishop McDevitt H.S.:

I’ll paraphrase the better and funnier tweeters:

He needed a hip replacement (actually a double replacement, I think), but he refused to get one because he would have had to have a blood transfusion, and that was against his religion. It’s the only medical thing Jehovah’s Witnesses won’t do.

Jehovah’s Witnesses do not refuse standard medical care. The only procedures they refuse are blood transfusions. I was raised as one.

Well, you know the only reason teenagers have sex is because we teach them sex ed.

Whoa, it’s almost like making abortion more difficult to obtain doesn’t make the need for abortion go away.

I’m gonna march out my front door and punch the first Republican I can find. Bye.