
It’s what plants crave. 

I assume they didn’t go with the Big Mac because they didn’t want to try to convince people to make their bedrooms smell like “special sauce”.

That’s what I did. I have cable but wanted to watch it outside, so I found my old external antenna. Worked perfectly.

Can’t support something that supports the Steelers, I guess. Or maybe just thought it’d get him in good with the boss because of the name. 

Thanksgiving is definitely when I bring out some cellar beers! Last year, it wasn’t really a cellar beer, but my friend brought me back a couple Westvleteren 12's, so I shared those. It can be a good time to get other people into craft beers by letting them try new things. 

I can understand that, but the dizziness and nausea symptoms seem weird for what my friends have told me about smoking weed. 

I know edibles are supposed to be more potent, but they needed medical attention? Isn’t the devil’s lettuce supposed to help with nausea and dizziness?

These are always the most heartbreaking things to me when hearing about someone losing a loved one. It’s not always the fact that they won’t be there for major life events, it’s just that you end up being so ingrained in each other’s lives that things like cooking for one can seem so daunting.

My son went boneless because I didn’t have the right color of cheese the other day. 

Of the three, I’d probably try the peanut butter and bacon first. I probably eat the amount of butter on a peanut butter/butter sandwich, but something about putting it on a sandwich is too much. 

Finally, the Takeout is sticking to sports.

Just don’t drink One-Eyed Willy’s share.

Agreed. I wish they’d make it a year-round, because I don’t visit often and it’s not always available. 

Just like a vegan to work their veganism into every conversation...

Please ask Jake, while he’s wearing his costume, whether he feels like a sandwich or not.

You should have led with the last line. 

I think you’ve just created a new hit TV show for ABC. 

They know people will forget to stop the Amazon Music subscription, so they’ll make their money back. 

They know people will forget to stop the Amazon Music subscription, so they’ll make their money back. 

This is going to ruin things for people like my mom. They “had” to finish the bottle since they opened it to cook with... 

What sort of advice would you get? “Stop flipping your wagon, ya dummy”