
These movies aren't TAS canon are they? I haven't watched any since Phantasm.

It’s incredible, the contrast between how cool WP looks on paper and how frustrating it is in real life.

It wasn’t actually banned. If you view the HTML, it shows that the message shown there is just sidebar content styled to look like the sub has been banned.

Exactly. People are talking about the smaller subs as if they’re a mythical creature that would take too much cunning to discover, but it’s not that hard. If you have an interest, a quick google search will yield a relevant sub with insightful articles / debate / media / etc.

I’m still looking for a Starlord style shoulder bag.

Exactly, the sooner he dies the sooner Miles can pick up the mantle

We can’t blame Mario for this. His lighting, animation, rendering, and texture are all ill fitting for this scene.

And everyone Thor talks to should learn to speak Ancient Norse too.

Bzzt, sorry, thanks for playing. Everyone knows you wrap carrots in bacon before baking.

That wouldn’t be a war, it would just be 2 guys fighting.

As someone with a general anxiety disorder, I wonder if there’s an easy mode.

It’s not what it wants to be (although I did like the comic; I think it was one of the better Marvel stories to date), it’s what it is. It’s literally called Civil War. It is based on the comic. Unless you’re trolling, or don’t understand what the words basic and premise mean, I think that you can agree that the

He’s way too old now. It could only work if he's a retired Drake, like in UC4, and I doubt they'll open with that. And I agree with you about Gravitas. That's why I said not Jones. Jones needs Gravitas; Drake needs levity.

Yes I'm aware of that, but the entire concept requires an ensemble cast, or at least acknowledgement of the ancillary characters

Have you read civil war? The story doesn’t work if you just have one or two characters. Besides, most of these are just going to be cameos.

But it's not Russian.

Chris Pratt!!! But to be honest I think Pratt would make a better Drake than Jones.

I was gonna say “Naruto? More like Bore-uto” but this movie has done my job for me. 10/10

I would kill for a proper manga adaptation.

As much as I want this to happen, I'm really not feeling this art direction. Something about this doesn't breathe confidence in me.