I read this in Hugo Weaving's voice
I read this in Hugo Weaving's voice
Your issue appears to be with graphics, glitchy games, and poor quality. What you're experiencing, however, is selection bias. While great, Unreal's engine is expensive and takes a LOT more work to make a decent game in. This raises the gate for development so that only larger teams with with a great budget can work…
the light source is clearly behind the dress. If that were black, light would have to be hitting it from behind the camera to achieve that shade. I don't see how anyone can't see that the dress is being made darker by the lighting, giving the appearance of black instead of gold, and blue instead of white (or perhaps…
sorry but have you ever tried to download a Linux distro over HTTP? You're gonna have a bad time.
Just reading that list of chores was emotionally draining. I can't imagine finding the willpower to do most of that stuff while depressed.
A lot of fantasy, a little bit of romance: try Escaflowne
As good as Death Note was, by the end of it, I really felt like I'd just watched the Da Vinci Code or LOST of anime. Which is to say I enjoyed it at the time, and was on the edge of my seat, but nothing really stuck with me afterwards. One of my biggest problems with it was that the show seemed to lose any real focus…
Never before today has a real live person triggered uncanny valley for me... o_o
how about a contender to Microsoft's surface pro?
Are we talking about what I think we're talking about? Lest we forget that one time Peter Parker struck MJ in a fit of rage. I believe SPWAT was the onomatopoeia they used. I don't know what spwat means but it sounds like it hurts. Why do we gang up on Hank, when old P.P. gets a free pass?
I think you accidentally a joke
It's because Drake climbs walls. #hollywoodlogic
Did it just get a little snobby in here?
What about it disappointed you? Played that game beginning to end 5 times on PS3 and it never got old for me. Would play again if I still owned a Sony console, and honestly that game is the only thing tempting me to get a PS4 (rather than stick to my steam library).
I am very curious about local multiplayer on psOne classics. Does the VTV support multiple controllers? Believe it or not, this is actually my deciding factor.
Every cop in Deus Ex: HR
Yes it is the case, as far as my short experience with it can confirm
I literally just finished watching these games on YouTube. Welp.
Sorry to go off topic, but that's a pretty outdated attitude these days. I mean, sure I'm not playing Crysis or whatever, but my $300 Surface Pro runs everything from PS2 emulators to the latest Tomb Raider. You can play most games on pretty much any pc these days. Not counting the ginormous backlog of 20+ years of…
No, video doesn't work that way. You can't "walk around" in your favourite movies because each frame is literally just a photograph, not a magic portal into a 3D world.