
Replaying Tomb Raider for the umpteenth time. I'll let you know when I finally get bored of this game.

you know that's right

you know that's right

you know that's right

I don't know why I keep watching these. They make me so mad.

At the risk of sounding like a spam bot, I've been losing weight without controlling portions at all. Paleo for the win!

He was just so nonchalant about it.

Fun fact: Gene Brewer was reportedly unaware of the existence of MFS when he published K-PAX in 1995.

I dunno, it sounds more desperate. Like, let me "go" fast. As in kill me now. #OverExplainsTheJokeDotJPG

Let me go fast...*

Season one was... okay. IIRC a lot of its faults can be traced to pressure and tampering from Nickelodeon. But let's be honest here. Bolin aside, season 2 was a mess. There was no excuse for that. As amazing as this looks, I've been burned before. If anyone needs me I'll be rewatching Aang and friends.

Who drew that? Reminds me a little of Hejibits' TLOU comics.

I spent way too long laughing at that.

Keep in mind that this is in a super early alpha stage right now. Nothing is set in stone. Pretty sure that if testers are vocal about first person not working it will be fixed. And if it does work then there's nothing to complain about.

None whatsoever. You control game logic through dragging and dropping, and menus. It's a very different experience than programming, but it's a lot of fun to play with. You stop thinking so much about syntax and can just focus on the logic of it all. It has really good performance too, for something that compiles to

Construct 2 is also a really really good option for 2D games. I dare say it's better than Game Maker.

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I cry every time

First thing I thought of. I'd be the guy tackling him to the ground trying to pull his "mask" off a la Austin Powers
