
My life’s purpose is bigger than football.

Ironically, Breitbart is blocked at my work because it isn’t on our whitelist.

That’s some strong telestrator game there.

you realize these nazis are only relevant because the press put coverage on them and social media ramped up their efforts against something that should have been ignored. corporate media runs off of its ability to retain eyeballs and clicks, you do remember that right? there’s literally only 5000-20,000 nazis in all

I just cannot support the notion that people with fringe ideas should be shut down just because most of us disagree with them and find them abhorrent. The solution to bad speech is not censorship it’s MORE speech on the topic. Tocqueville was very prescient when he said, more than 200 years ago, that the greatest

I’m actually less worried about guns than bats, pepper spray, etc. People who protest with guns seem to understand the consequences of their actions. People who protest with bats/sticks/bike locks seem to think this is a Stanley Kubrick film.

“Given a good portion of them are saying racist things, including actual WWII era Nazi slogans”

Thinking of sending audio to of me screaming despairingly into the void.

This was way mo interesting that I expected it to be.

I otto write more jokes.

I’m not old enough to personally remember when we were the good guys. Then again I’m only in my thirties.

Excellent interview. It’s refreshing to hear such honesty and hindsight from a former player. Current NFL players should really pay attention to insight like this.

oi top kinja m8 you baggy ol aussie drongo

He started running the way someone starts a 5 mile jog.

Man Who Hit Balls For A Living Doesn’t Want Men To Hit Balls For Fun.

This girl was following some very red-flaggy people on Twitter. Radical Iranian clerics, Anonymous, Snowden, Assange...

I think what @President-Hoover-Blows is trying to say is why make a big deal about Musk wanting the US to stay in the Paris accord, of course he wants to stay in. It didn’t sound like criticism toward Musk, but rather Gizmodo. The more surprising story is the support coming from Exxon, Shell, Chevron, etc.. #ELONBLOG

To clarify what I was saying I’ll use a partial-hypothetical scenario. Smoking causes cancer. Cigarette producers spend billions trying to hide that fact but there are other strong opponents of smoking who spend billions trying to prevent people from smoking. Now imagine a company comes up with a pill that helps you

That’s such odd logic. I get your point, but it’s pretty clear Elon Musk’s opposition to Trump’s agenda isn’t strictly due to financial incentives. The man’s a futurist with a buttload of money and investing in what he thinks humanity will need to move towards.