
So you didn't get that "anatomically correct" was a joke? Fail.

No one said anything about her vulva or labia. I specifically said "pussy," which is a colloquial term that refers to the entire generalised area, including pubic hair (from which the term springs). That's first of all.

I mean, I probably will go down that route eventually because I'm quite frank with kids, but I don't think Grey junior is old enough to grasp that shit yet. Anyway, he's probably not going to see this because we're not in the USA. But I'm still annoyed that a sporting magazine erases women from its pages and only puts

It reminds me of this:

1. Of course Michael Jordan is a model. That might not be what he's primarily known for, but that doesn't change the fact that he has had to model to sell the shit he endorses.

You make a good point. I've never seen any photos of Michael Jordan pulling down his basketball shorts and making that face at the camera.

Trying to unpack my feelings about this photo, and I think I'm a little bit offended that it looks like they photoshopped any signs of her pussy (to use the anatomically correct term) out of the photo? Like I can't even tell kids that that's just the human body and the human body is beautiful and this lady is just

I go swimming quite a bit and can vouch for the fact that this is not a very comfortable way to wear a swimming costume. She needs something with pockets.

Of course you were super vague. ;) But I'm also being obvious. Everyone on this island is separated by two degrees or less. The two degrees of Bono.

lol. Speaking of 2 degrees, we might be separated by two degrees as well b/c I instantly knew who you were referring to.

This comment is epic.

I sometimes get the appeal of men who are ugly-hot, but something about Cumbersnatch reeks of overgrown, spoilt brat and I could never get past that.

Ah...that makes sense.

Ginger my arse.

Yeah, I never got the appeal.

I look at these photos and think, "How? How can they be so tall?" I'm just going to crawl back into my hobbit hole and sulk for awhile.


They look alike, like 2 Dutch dolls. Give them some wooden shoes.

Special effects. (That's what I tell myself.)