
I'm here to provide you with some validation: Those friends are indeed racist (and a little bit classist, too). It's not just that they don't find Kim attractive, but they hate on her for dating black men? Racist. What you should do is ask this question at yoisthisracist and then when he answers, post it on your FB,

Don't vote for the repooplican party, ladies.

Let's invite Israel and Palestine, too. We can all come together over hating John Mayer.

Let's do it. Right here. Right now. Share your favourite reasons for hating John Mayer. I'll start. Hello. My name is Bear. I've hate John Mayer for about 5 years now. I think my main reason for hating him is that he's racist? But in addition to that, I get a creep vibe off him. Ok. Who wants to go next?

But now that he's an ex for both of them, shouldn't they bond over their mutual hatred of him? Fighting over him now is an odd move. This is not how Lifetime Movies prepared me for life.

Look at that tub! That's no way to conserve water.

I know. I don't think I misread your comment at all. But in my country, obesity is on the rise (according to statistics) and the people who are trying to "disprove" the usefulness of BMI by offering up anecdotal examples of healthy individuals with high BMIs are also often the same people who don't accept the

Yes. I get a little bit frustrated by this sometimes. I'm also slightly annoyed by the people who don't want to admit that a population is getting heavier over time by denying the statistics or who don't think it means anything. Any kind of change like that in a population over time is going to have some kind of

Well, in fairness, college towns do have the best gay clubs.

I had a moment of confusion and was waiting for a Thompson Twins cover.

I don't really get that because abortion is a medical procedure, whether it's an emergency or not. There have been cases in the recent past when women have been denied an abortion to save their lives because there is this cultural connotation that abortion is somehow different from other medical procedures. We don't

There are many different scenarios when abortion is a lifesaving procedure.

My hours at work have just been cut for the next few months. Let's just cancel christmas this year.

Well, I would assume that the teachers of colour would decline to wear the shirts, but it's still shocking to see so many white teachers together in one school in such a diverse place. Unless the school where they teach is absolutely huge? I'd also sincerely hope (HOPE) that at least a few white teachers would know

How are there so many white teachers in Queens, one of the most ethnically diverse places in the world?

Someone messed up their pig fetus dissection projection in Biology and tried to hide the evidence.

I see you driving around town with the female body I feel entitled to

Now playing

The more I cringe while watching clips from the original series, the more I'm looking forward to watching the movie. Some friends are coming around with tequila, so it's going to be good. I'm like this:

It never gets old!

Shit. How will I see this in Europe? Some nice Jezebel commenter out there, please send a link.